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成事通先生知道如何配钥匙。Mr. Know-all knows how to make a key.

但现在它们已是既成事实,”黑格说。But they are now a fact, " Hague added.

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——满怀最美好的希望,谋事在人成事在天。Hope for the best and cope with the rest.

我知道你是成事不足败事有余。I know you, never make, but always break.

你用的词语是成事还是败事?Are the words you use uplifting or devastating?

简直糟糕得无可救药,真是成事不足败事有余。They're a hopeless mess. They get everything wrong.

他这个人成事不足,坏事有余。He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things.

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相反,迪克.赖利更是成事不足败事有余。By contrast, Dick Riley was doing far more good than harm.

写电邮回覆那个学生,说这回成事在天,希望化学品如期到达。Wrote back to the student and told him to hope for the best.

行为带来的影响被称为成事行为。The act of bringing about an effect is known as perlocutionary act.

最后得说的是,错得特立独行又让人难以接受是成事的唯一途径。In the end, being so uniquely and painfully wrong is the only way to get it right.

只有真正从内心深处懂得了明荣辱,知廉耻和成事为人的道理,才能发展真正的道德良知。It is to know honor and disgrace and bear oneself that can promote the moral conscience.

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或是出去散散步,让头脑清醒一下。接受既成事实,放下情绪包袱。Or go for a walk to clear your head. Accept the fact that you'll have to let go of some emotional baggage.

因此,该航站楼也常常被认为是中国成事高效的一个证明。The terminal therefore is often held up as an example of how quick hard-charging China can get things done.

他们仍然尽量不鼓励异族婚姻,但一旦既成事实,他们便欢迎这些多崇奉的家庭。They still try to discourage intermarriage, but once it occurs, they tend to welcome new interfaith families.

分居通常是既成事实,很少打出合同来的,家庭法在各州又有不同。Separations are usually de facto, rarely pounded out in a contract, andfamily law is different state to state.

翻译要求确保言语行为的施为用意和成事性效果的对等翻译。Translations require equivalence of illocutionary force and perlocutionary effects between Chinese and English.

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一只公的吉娃娃要与一只母的英国獒犬成事的唯一可能,还需要攀岩或洞穴探险设备的辅助才行。But face it, the only shot a male Chihuahua has with a female Mastiff involves rock climbing or spelunking equipment.

这些政党在九十年代掌权时,就以自私自利、成事不足败事有余著称。These parties, when they had power in the 1990s, became known mainly for feathering their own nests and for bungling.

自由基成事不足,败事有余,它只会破坏我们的大脑神经元。Free radicals have nothing to do with Berkeley politics and everything to do with breaking down the neurons in our brains.