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百年不遇的讨厌鬼!The pill of the century!

你创造了百年不遇的历史事件。That you are a once-in-all-history event.

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过去一年来,我们经历了一场百年不遇的金融和经济危机。We suffered a rare financial and economic crisis in the past year.

1929年,绥远地区发生了百年不遇的旱灾。From 1926 to 1929, the biggest flood in a century hit Suiyuan region.

那几年,华北平原发生了百年不遇的大旱灾和歉收。The drought and crop failure were the most serious in North China in a hundred years.

中国南方百年不遇的雪灾影响到许多不同的城市省分,西安市也不例外。The great snow storm in southern China has caused many difficulties in people's lives. Xi'an was no exception.

原美联储主席艾伦格林斯潘把当前经济危机描写成一次百年不遇的信贷海啸。Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan describes the current financial crisis as a once-in-a-century credit tsunami.

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2011年,有鱼米之乡之称的湖北,遭遇百年不遇大旱,土地开裂,农作物干死。In 2011, known as "a land of milk and honey ", Hubei province is experiencing a rare drought with land cracking and crops died.

这场干旱是百年不遇的。,这供水体系平衡极为紧张的又一证明。This drought is the worst in a century, and it's another demonstration that our water supply system is on a very tight balance.

2011年新年伊始,我们刚刚摆脱百年不遇的大衰退,这场衰退给数百万家庭带来了严重的损失。At the start of 2011, we’re still just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession that’s taken a terrible toll on millions of families.

面对百年不遇的全球金融危机,世界各国商业银行的地位及竞争力排名也面临着重新洗牌。Rare in the face of the global financial crisis, commercial banks around the world competitiveness ranking status and also faces re-shuffle.

百年不遇的自然灾害,也不能损伤以奇山秀水闻名的湖南。Even such natural catastrophes cannot harm the beauty of this province – a province which is characterized by a mixture of water and mountains.

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百年不遇的金融危机,给大大小小的中国企业都上了一课,使企业家们对于创新的价值,有了更加深入和透彻的认识。It teaches a lesson to Chinese enterprises, big or small. The entrepreneurs have a deep and thorough understand over the value of the innovation.

作为一个自小喜爱埃弗顿,现在为曼联踢球的球员来说,鲁尼说利物浦的好话可是百年不遇。As a boyhood Everton supporter who now plays for Manchester United, it is not often Wayne Rooney has anything complimentary to say about Liverpool.

嘉庆六年永定河决口,直隶地区发生百年不遇的特大水灾,嘉庆政府采取蠲缓钱粮、煮赈、以工代赈、调粟等一系列措施成功组织了此次救灾活动。In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, the worst flood in a century in Zhili area was caused by a bust in the dike of the River Yongding.

IRI也没有预测阿玛逊河流域会出现低于平均降水量,而该地区去年夏天遭受了百年不遇的严重旱情。IRI did highlight the Amazon as a region likely to have below-average summer rains, though, and the Amazon ended up having a 100-year drought last summer.

同时,听以前的老同事说,宁波也遇到了百年不遇的大雪,一步迈出去,雪就盖住脚肚子了,还兴致昂然地拍了不少照片。And I heard of Ningbo city met the heaviest snow in a century, the snow covered her calf when she walked outside. She had taken some photos with great gusto.

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在国会方面,前美联储主席格林斯潘在听证会上表示,美国正面临“百年不遇”的信贷紧缩和房地产市场衰退的风暴。On Capitol Hill, former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States is facing a "once-in-a-century tsunami" of tight credit and housing woes.

2010年7月16日,陕西省南部的汉中、安康等地区遭受了特大暴雨袭击,持续长时间强降雨,致使这些地区遭受了百年不遇的、人力不可抗拒的特大暴雨泥石流灾害。On July 16th, 2010, Hanzhong and Ankang of Shaanxi Province was stricken by long-lasting heavy storms, which ensued the mega landslides disaster rarely seen in recent history.

哈利巴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个竞赛竟是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋。Harry eager rare Triwizard tournament victory over self, to complete three arduous adventure magic items, who knows the whole race of black magic was actually a big conspiracy.