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他命令他的属下把我赶出利国。He ordered his men to drive me out of the country.

他的属下有个叫杨戏的,性格孤僻,讷于言语。His staff play a man named Yang, withdrawn, Ne in words.

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不要让属下对你这样不拘礼仪。Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

根据协议,总理具有领导他属下的部会的权力。The prime minister is accorded authority over the ministries.

此外,斯皮瓦克还指出了属下不能被代言的问题。Spivak also points out that the Subaltern cannot be spoken for.

国王的属下已被策反,在夜里把国王杀了。The king's men had been subverted and they killed him in the night.

琳达是advertising。com的总裁,。com是AOL,which,is,a,subsidiary,in,AOL,也就是美国在线的属下公司。Lynda is president of, advertising American On Line.

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王先生的想法并没有与他的属下一拍即合。Mr Wang's views did not strike an instant chord with his subordinates.

你记得你的属下跟你说过的最难受的一件事吗?Q. Do you recall the toughest thing one of your employees ever said to you?

丹瑞深知一个低调的属下能够对其上级进行颠覆。Than Shwe well knows how a low-profile subordinate can overthrow the leader.

这的确是一个被低阶的属下狼唆使的“妥协仪式”。This is actually an "appeasement ritual" instigated by the SUBORDINATE wolf.

伽罗什是一个聪明的战术家,一个勇猛的战士,且受属下爱戴。Garrosh was a brilliant tactician, a fierce warrior, and loved by those he led.

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之后,属下才能依照年资浅浅啜饮一口。Only then can his subordinates take a sip in strict observance of their seniority.

唐易安的属下常副官想把它买下来,可是高昂的价格使他望而却步。Tang's subordinate Chang thought of buying it, but balked at the price they asked.

军官是当地地方官,与他们属下来自同一地方,以便他们的人接受命令。The officers were local officials from whom the men were used to accepting orders.

其属下教育理论对中国的教育有重要的启示作用。Her subaltern educational theory has brought new insight to the education in China.

其属下宏发绣花厂专营电脑绣花、电脑钉珠片。Acer of its franchise embroidery factory computer embroidery, computer Dingzhu film.

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只有恒山一派上来任我行问其它几派呢,属下汇报都死了。Only up mount heng who have asked several other pie, subordinate to report all died.

关于蓼族属级及属下分类问题,分类学家持有不同的意见。The taxonomists have different opinions about the classification of Trib. Polygoneae.

其属下飞机包括两架空客A330-200,四架空客A310-300和四架波音737-800。Its fleet includes two Airbus 330-200s, four Airbus 310-300s and four Boeing 737-800s.