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讨论了空间照准标志的形状和实验精度。It discusses the form and testing precision of the spatial sighting mark.

“我知道”那盲人说,“可我总得先要找到它的脑袋,然后好照准它的屁股给它一脚啊!”"I know , "said the blind man, "but I got to find his head before I can kick his ass".

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但是现在在每一个博客公告的下面都应该有一个方针的链接,这样读者们就能照准则发表评论了。However, there should be a link at the end of each blog post now so readers can our guidelines for commenting.

推荐书、缮就之论文摘要及口试委员名单各乙份,敬请照准。Enclosed are the recommendation letter, complete abstract of the dissertation and the list of oral examination committee members.

一块安装在一个三脚架上的平坦画板,与照准仪一起用于在野外测制地形图或地质图。A flat drawing board mounted on a tripod used in combination with an alidade to construct topographic or geologic maps in the field.

“他这个好人用枪托照准牙齿捅了一下……”一个把军大衣掖得很高的士兵使劲地挥动手臂,兴高采烈地说道。"And didn't he up with the butt end of his gun and give him one right in the teeth, " one soldier was saying gleefully with a wide sweep of his arm.

为了替小兄弟柬埔寨出气,中国军队杀过边界直冲河内去惩罚越南,没想到被久经战阵的越军照准鼻子迎面一击,打得鲜血直流。Chinese forces crossed the border to punish Hanoi for invading its ally Cambodia, but Vietnam's battle-hardened troops gave the Chinese a bloody nose.

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除掉经济新闻的编者要挽留以外,其余王先生送阅的辞职信都一一照准。Except for efforts to retain the economics news editor, the management approved one after another of all the letters of resignation Wang submitted to them.

通过研究激光照准系统中柱形边缘引起的边缘衍射和干涉效应,分析其对边缘瞄准精度的影响。The interference and diffraction phenomenon created by cylinders edge in the course of the pointing of the laser aiming system are discussed in this paper.

由陀螺仪寻北中天法的基本原理出发,提出了一种固定照准部的初寻北半周期中天法。Based on the principle of period transit method, semi-period transit method of collimation is proposed to improve the north-seeking speed and the automatic degree.

广州国际艺术博览会是华南区域独一经文明部照准、中国美术家协会与广州市百姓政府联合主办的国际艺术博览会。Guangzhou internineing Art Fair is the only one officinumbe particularlyr one ingly consent tod by Bureau of Culture! sponsored by Chinese Artist Associine and Guangzhou Municipingity.