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今霄酒醒何处?From wine awake?

那么现在他身在何处呢?So where is he now?

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我应在何处等候?Where shall I wait?

何处铭刻,立拱之人Who reared them up?

文件何处用过?WUF? Where Used File?

何处是吾家?Yet where is my home?

钱放何处最心安?Where To Put Money Now?

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不论在何处都是如此。No matter where you are.

他们的不足又在何处?Where do they fall short?

这桌子应置于何处?Where is this table to go?

海市蜃楼从何处而来?Where do mirages come from?

你从何处来就回到何处去。Go back where you came from.

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这个人现在身在何处?Where does this person live?

何处相思明月楼?Acacia House, where the moon?

谁也不知道她从何处来。No one knows whence she came.

这个社会是在奔往何处?Where the society is heading?

何处传来了天使的笑声。Wherefrom the Angels' smiles.

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生牛奶流往何处了?Where Did All the Raw Milk Go?

何处得秋霜。Where autumn frost comes from.

那么这病“位于”何处?Where is the illness "located?