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四面混泥土墙。Four concrete walls.

著名的曼谷四面佛。Four face buddha at Erawan.

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我们将我们的祈褥唱给四面八风听!We sing our prayers to four winds!

乘着黑夜我们向敌人四面出击。We laid about the enemies by night.

这个国家四面环海。The country is encircled by the sea.

例句与用法罗城的四面修有城门,上起高楼。Luo city have door and the high-rise.

雷声四面响着。The sound of the thunder echoed around.

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时髦的外观及四面保护设计。Stylish and four-sided protection design.

猎手们四面包抄过来,捕杀即将开始。The hunters were closing in for the kill.

此尊金刚是胜乐金刚的四面十二臂造型像。The statue has four faces and twelve arms.

汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望。Tom glanced impatiently around the garage.

仓皇的人群向四面逃去。The crowd in a panic fled in all directions.

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这座城市朝着四面延伸好几英里。The city sprawls for miles in each direction.

那自四面到临的风,天顶的太阳。Wind from the compass points, sun at meridian.

这个小国被其他国家四面围住。The small country is locked in by other nations.

放入鸡肉卷,炸至四面金黄。Fry the chicken roll until all sides turn golden.

以得救的乐歌四面环绕我。You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

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这所小屋四面都受到风霜雨雪的侵袭。The house was exposed to the elements on al sides.

有一个四面环山的小村庄。There was a village hemmed about by the mountains.

三亚四面环海,所以有许多的海产品。Sanya is around with seas, so there is much seafood.