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他妻子去年仙逝了。His wife died a year within the.

有一年十月的一天,他突然仙逝了。He died suddenly one October day.

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对你亲人的仙逝我再次表示哀悼。Once again, I am so sorry for your loss.

想想那些早已仙逝的人吧。Think of someone who went too early to heaven.

他妻子去年仙逝了。目下当今他一小我住。His wife died a year within the. Now he lives isolhlistingd.

他妻子去年仙逝了。今朝他一私人住。His wife died a year inside the. Now he lives upon itwouls own.

当你的家人仙逝后,我想你不会希望他的遗体还被做成标本放在博物馆里被围观。When someone dies in your family, I think you don't want him stuffed in a museum.

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但麦卡锡等富有传奇色彩的石油大亨早已仙逝,新乐酒店也不复存在。But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel.

我已经经历了双亲的仙逝,一位友人的亡故,一位敬爱的老板的离逝,还有心爱宠物的死亡。I've dealt with the deaths of parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets.

我已经经历了双亲的仙逝,一位友人的亡故,一位敬爱的老板的离逝,还有心爱宠物的死亡。I've dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets.

伯克希尔数十年来都在坚持这些原则,即使在我仙逝之后的很长时间内还会继续坚持。Berkshire has adhered to these principles for decades and will continue to do so long after I'm gone.

但王重阳不久仙逝,发展、壮大新生的全真教的重任落在了“七子”的肩上。Wang Chongyang experienced heavy setbacks in expanding the religious ideas in Shanxi, his birthplace.

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在特别的日子里,人们去参访佛寺,祈祷好运,铭记已经仙逝的人们。On special days, people visit Buddhist temples, praying for good fortune and remembering those whohadhave died.

但是,老人们还是敌不过种种蚕食,一一仙逝,小镇归于冷寂。The old men yet could not bear all kinds of erosion and passed away one by one. The small town finally returned to desolation.

于去年10月26日“仙逝”的章鱼保罗曾在2010年世界杯上准确预测了德国队比赛的结果。Paul is the octopus who amazed the world by correctly predicting the results of Germany’s matches in the 2010 World Cup. Paul died last Oct. 26.

我认为写你那本书的人,如果他是早已仙逝,那么他心目中的那些绝技、那些不能传授的绝窍,肯定也随着他的离世而消失无踪矣!I think that the sage who wrote the book had been dead so the tour de force in his heart, which he could not impart to other, must have vanished.

有一年十月的一天,他忽然仙逝了。全家人都沉浸在悲痛之中,我们靠信念支撑着。我深深地怀念他,我知道他将永远和我们在一起。He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply leaning on our faith. I missed him terribly though I knew he would always be a part of us.

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有一年十月的一天,他突然仙逝了。全家人都沉浸在悲痛之中,我们靠信念支撑着。我深深地怀念他,我知道他将永远和我们在一起。He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply, leaning on our faith. I missed him terribly, though I knew he would always be a part of us.

在黛妃仙逝的第二天,美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司和全国广播公司在它们黄金时间的新闻中都从伦敦进行了现场直播,并用全部节目时间对整个事件进行了报道。On the day after her death, ABC, CBS and NBS broadcast their primetime news live from London, primetime news live from London dedicating their entire programmes to coverage of the story.

为了缅怀名声大噪的前辈章鱼帝上周仙逝,这只新章鱼也取名保罗,在全国的电视直播中,它被机器徐徐放进了水族箱。The new cephalopod, also named Paul in honor of his world-famous predecessor who passed away last week, was lowered gently into his tank in a ceremony carried live on national television.