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他的胳膊齐肘部给截断了。His arm was lopped off at the elbow.

大坝把河水拦腰截断。The dam cuts the river in the middle.

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编译器截断多余位。The compiler truncates the extra bits.

美和美的流泽将一起被截断。Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft.

敌人的退路已被截断。The enemy's line of retreat was cut off.

自动截断固定长度的数据。Automatic truncation of fixed length data.

我可怜的守护天使一定是个四肢截断的人。My poor guardian angel must be a basketcase.

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大坝把河水拦腰截断。The dam backs up the water to prevent flood.

在没打灯的卡车下,截断了头颅。Under a lightless lorry, cutting his head off.

进口隔膜阀是一种特殊形式的截断阀。Import boxes are a special form of cut-off valve.

多个小数分隔符会导致截断。Multiple decimal separators result in truncation.

不能为该模板指定要截断的表。Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template.

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编译器会进行截断资料的转换。The compiler performs the cast, which truncates data.

这可能会导致在位移时出现被截断的问题。This might lead to unexpected truncation while shifting.

在西北方向,沙丘则被城市所截断。In the northwest, the dunes are interrupted by cityscape.

费特选择了一支截断的爆能科技产EE-3步枪作为武器。Fett's weapon of choice is a sawed-off BlasTech EE-3 rifle.

他不想看见哪天是空着的,把“整条链子都截断了”。He didn't want to see any blank days that "broke the chain".

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如果没有放好听筒,通话的线路就不会被截断。If the receiver was ajar,the line would not have been disconnected.

所以他们将在七天,伤脑筋的截断工作几个星期。So they put in nerve-racking 16-hour days and work seven-day weeks.

那些截断山丘的谷地都是非常肥沃的。So the valleys that cut through the mountains are extremely fertile.