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让生物圈消亡去吧。Let the Biosphere die.

这种旧宗教正在消亡。The old religion is perishing.

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新派神学的衰落和消亡。The decline and death of liberalism.

我的名字也必将在回忆中消逝名字消亡如拭尘。And eke my name be wiped out likewise.

我们需要弄清楚蜜蜂正在消亡的原因。We need to know why honeybees are dying.

年轻的的专制主义者正在逐渐消亡。Slow Gradual Fading of the Young Absolutist.

置信谎言的人必将在过失前消亡。He that trusts in alie shall perish in truth.

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盯着一片云,看到它?腆的消亡。Staring at the cloud till it disappear shyly.

是否困顿在一年前就已消亡的感情关系中?Stuck in a relationship that was over years ago?

当肉体消亡时,我就不作为人存在了。When the body breaks,I cease to exist as a person.

旧的价值观念在新社会里正在逐渐消亡。The old values are withering away in a new society.

至此,滦宁县自然消亡。At this point, the natural demise of Luanping County.

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我们中很多人是相信肉体的消亡的。Most of us presumably do believe our bodies will die.

国有供销社不到一年就完全消亡。The state grocery monopoly ended in less than one year.

别误会我的意思,对于印刷品的消亡我也很难过。Don’t get me wrong, I’m sad about the demise of print, too.

鲁迅先生说过,不在沉默中爆发就在沉默中消亡。Mr. Lu Xun said, not silence, dead silence on the outbreak.

这样的话,政治和社会激进主义都将自动消亡。As such, political and social activism was an end in itself.

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你的身体会消亡,但人格会继续存活。Your body's going to die,but your personality could continue.

欧洲,至少是土生土长的欧洲人,正在消亡。Europe, at least the indigenous population of Europe, is dying.

对于控制论运动消亡的原因有三种推测There are three theories about why the cybernetic movement died