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我们的时代英雄辈出。Our era produces a host of heroes and heroines.

即便在耶鲁这个才子辈出的地方,他也表现得很突出。Even at Yale, home of overachievers, he stands out.

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然而,如今的歌坛,总看到新人辈出,却难见新人长久。Now so many new singers pop up, but not many last long.

这一年,是新人辈出的一年。This year, is a year that New appointee generation out.

美国本来就是个女英雄辈出的国家。The United States of America had always had its heroines.

中国的河流湖泊星罗棋布,游泳健儿辈出。With abundant rivers and lakes, China boasts many good swimmers.

近年来,菊坛新人辈出,好戏连台。In recent years, many new Beijng opera talents and performances have appeared.

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老师,祝您教育的学生,人才济济,精英辈出。Teacher, I wish you the education students, a galaxy of talents, the elite men.

中国唐朝诗人辈出,请问被称为“诗圣”的是哪一位?Of the many Chinese poets in Tang Dynasty, who was known as the "Saint of Poetry"?

19世纪是英国文学上一个群星璀璨、名家辈出的时代。During the 19th century there are many great litterateurs and famous novelists in England.

在中国绘画发展史上,吴门是一个画家辈出的地区。It the Chinese painting development history, Wumen is a district which born many painters.

清代荀学学派林立,大师辈出,著述繁富,成就斐然。There were numerous schools and masters as well as works, being of great variety and achievement.

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期间,著名改革家、思想家辈出,这里就包括桑、刘二人。The well-known reformers and thinkers come forth in large numbers, including here on Mulberry, Liu duo.

乌镇自古名人辈出,为后人留下了宝贵的精神财富。Wuzhen has been home to famous people since ancient times, who left valuable spiritual wealth for posterity.

宋代是中国瓷器发展的高峰期,名窑辈出,争奇斗艳。The Song Dynasty was a golden age for Chinese porcelain development, and famous kilns appeared one after another.

萨克森州名人辈出,伟大的科学家莱布尼茨、音乐家巴赫和文学家莱辛都曾在这里生活过。Saxong has nurtured many well-known people. Great scientist Leibniz, composer Bach, and writer Lessing lived here.

南充自古以来名人辈出,积累了丰富的名人旅游资源,开发潜力巨大。Nanchong city abounds in celebrity tourism resources over the long history with great potentiality to be developed.

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这里是人文荟萃之地,这里是名士辈出之乡,这里有滩涂湿地号称“水绿盐城”。This is a place of talented people. It has been home to many famed persons. The vast wetlands make it a green city.

桐乡市素以“文化之邦”著称,源远流长,名人辈出。Tongxiang City, known for their "culture of the state" known for a long history, celebrities forth in large numbers.

彼时,正值国内电子商务草莽英雄辈出,出口易的海外仓储模式已经初见端倪。When he comes as national hero of e-commerce coming forth, export overseas warehouse model has shown signs of clues.