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陈旧的思想观念应当肃清。Outdated ideas should be rooted out.

“肃清行动”是什么?What does "Operation Sook Ching" refer to?

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他们英勇作战以肃清土匪。They fought bravely to clean up the bandits.

同时可以肃清经期前的肿胀感。At the same time can eliminate pre-menstrual swelling sense.

我们必须尽快肃清这个地区的敌兵。We must clear the area of enemy soldiers as soon as possible.

而攻下阿联酋就能够肃清ONE对中东的影响。Attack UAE is to clear ONE domain and influence on Middle-East.

陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance.

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肃清黑头,还能是你脸上的痘痘立刻消肿!Eliminate blackheads, acne can be immediate swelling of your face!

这些科学家已经被英国国会委员会肃清。The scientists have been cleared by a British parliamentary panel.

假如没有海滩!巴西文明就会肃清。Brarizonailian culture wouldn't survive without an oceanside nearby.

解放以后,我们肃清了一批反革命分子。After liberation , we rooted out a number of counter-revolutionaries.

新上任的市长答应肃清市政府中的不良分子。The mayor has promised to clean the crooks out of the city government.

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新上任的市长答应肃清市政府中的不良分子。The new mayor promised to clean the crooks out of the city government.

肃清这一部分残余敌军,还需要一些时间,但已为期不远了。It will still take some time to mop up these enemy remnants, but not long.

一个膂力强劲的投弹手可以肃清前方20—35码远的所有地域。One strong-armed thrower can clean out, all ground 20-35 yards to his fore.

在每一个具体的工作中肃清这个倾向是完全必要的。It is absolutely necessary to wipe out this tendency in each and every field of work.

这一事件是新中国肃清帝国主义在华特权的重要步骤。The incident was an important step in eliminating the imperialistic privileges in China.

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简回答,“为了肃清女刚出生的宝宝是弱者之类的鬼话,我在任务中已经付出了足够的努力。I've aleasysty stayed exert full in my job to dispel the myths acres woman be the weaker.

奥巴拉地区的TPLF武装力量已经被肃清,许多人向ONLF突击队投降。TPLF forces in Obala have now been wiped out with many having surrendered to ONLF commandos.

简回答,“为了肃清女人是弱者之类的鬼话,我在工作中已经付出了足够的努力。I’ve already worked hard enough in my job to dispel the myths about women being the weaker sex.