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粮食问题一直是黑龙江垦区经济工作的重点。Grain issue is the key that economy of Heilongjiang reclamation area works all the time.

黄龙山垦区的经济建设取得了良好的社会效应。Huanglong Mountain Reclamation's economic construction has achieved good social effects.

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石河子垦区城乡一体化战略原则。Strategic principle of integration of urban and rural areas of reclamation area of Shihezi.

陕西黄龙山垦区是在战时特定的社会背景下形成的。Huanglong Mountain Reclamation was given during the war established under the social background.

第五部分黑龙江垦区企业集团化发展现状。Chapter 6. Options of enterprise development of Heilongjiang reclamation areas group enterprises.

江苏淤泥质海岸滩涂生态系统结构分为天然潮滩和人工垦区。The structure of ecosystem could be summarized as natural mudflat and artificially reclaimed area.

通过推广这些治理模式,可以使垦区的水土流失现状得到有效控制。By applying these management models, soil and water loss can be controlled effectively in these areas.

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构建和谐垦区是建设社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分。It is an important component of harmonious socialist society to build harmonious land reclamation area.

石河子垦区属于内陆地区,水资源是垦区发展的基本条件。Being an inland area, water resources are the most basic demand for further development in Shihezi region.

黑龙江垦区格球山农场位于五大连池市北部。Farm of hill of ball of case of Heilongjiang reclamation area is located in north of city of 5 Dalian pool.

通过组合预测模型及最优权重的确定,以黑龙江垦区农用大中型拖拉机的保有量为例,建立了组合预测模型。Based on the possession of the larger and middle tractors in the reclamation area, the prediction models are set up.

介绍了对农业垦区几种老式收割机的改造实践,并以实例阐明了轴流式产品性能更佳,值得借鉴。This paper introduces several rebuilding practice of old cropper, states that axial-flow production is of good property.

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人工垦区分为农田、林地、养殖地、盐田及建设用地等。For artificially reclaimed area, farmland, woodland, breed aquatics pond, saltern and land for construction are included.

集团化改造是大型国有垦区治理体制改革的重要出路。Collectivize is transformed is the main outlet that system of management of large and state-owned reclamation area reforms.

兵团党委在“十五”计划中提出了“做大石河子垦区”的战略。Strategy proposing " making the large reclamation area of Shihezi " in the Tenth Five-Year Plan of Party Committee of the XPCC.

最后,就调整和优化垦区经济结构、产业结构提出对策与措施。The paper finally puts forward some suggestions for adjusting and optimizing the farm economy structure and industry structure.

以1989年和2000年石河子垦区及周边地区TM影像为基础,分析了该区域土地利用的变化趋势。Based on TM image of 1989 and 2000 in Shihezi Reclamation and the surrounding areas, land-use change trend in this area was analyzed.

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采用系统的方法,对黑龙江垦区国营农场管理系统进行了描述和分析。In this thesis, systematical theory is applied to describe and analyse state farm management system in Heilong Jiang reclamation area.

文章收集了建三江垦区地下水监测数据,采用灰色关联分析法评价其地下水水质。The paper collected mass groundwater data in Jiansanjiang area, adopted grey relation method to evaluate groundwater quality in this area.

针对黑龙江垦区的涝渍现象,分析了涝渍产生的原因。This paper analyzes the causation of the flood disaster according to the flood situation in the reclamation area in Heilongjiang Province.