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“平均地权”是孙中山“民生主义”的内容之一。The equality in land properties was one of the important content of Dr.

把孙中山的民生主义定性为“主观上的社会主义,实际上的资本主义”尚有存疑。It leaves a question open to determine its nature as " subjectively socialism and practically capitalism".

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1937年国民政府的土地政策,理论依据是孙中山的民生主义思想。The theory that the land policy of National Government in 1927-1937 based on is Sun Yat-sen's Democratism.

孙中山所倡导的三民主义由民族主义、民权主义和民生主义构成。The Three People's Principles put forward by Dr Sun Yat-sen was composed of Nationalism, Democracy and People's Livelihood.

国民党人反对帝国主义,认为帝国主义是导致战争的原因,主张实行民生主义。Kuomintang against imperialism and that imperialism is a leading cause of the war and advocated the implementation of the People's Livelihood.

孙中山的民生主义实际上是一个在中国发展资本主义的社会经济纲领,也是孙中山关于近代中国发展道路的基本构想,并且具有浓厚的民粹主义特色。Actually, it was both the social-economic guiding line of developing capitalism in China and the basic blue print of the development road of modern China, planned by Dr.

本文围绕着发展社会经济与选择正确的社会道路,发展社会经济与制订各种建国方案这样两个方面的问题,分析孙中山的民生主义经济思想。A. study is made on the economic thought of Sun Yetsen's Doctrine of People's Liveli-hood in the light of developing socialist economy and chosing optimal measures for it.

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从民生主义到新民主主义,再到建设中国特色社会主义,这一发展过程展示了现代性、乌托邦与社会主义选择中的历史关系。From the Principle of People's Livelihood to the theory of New-Democratic, even the construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics reveal the historic relations among modernity.

他一方面赞赏社会主义理论,吸收了一些思想形成了民生主义学说,同时也对其进行了一定程度的批判。On the one hand, he appreciated theories of socialism and absorbed some of their elements to form his "Principle of People's Livelihood". Meanwhile, he also made some criticisms of them.

康有为的世界大同理想和孙中山的民生主义,就体现了现代化追求与社会主义选择统一的意向。Kang Youwei's ideal of Universal Great Harmony and Sun Yat-sen's ideal of People's Livelihood, reflected the intention of the union of the pursuit of modernization with the choice of socialism.

孙中山社会主义理论即民生主义的主要内容是“平均地权”和“节制资本”,旨归是消除资本主义弊端。The main content of his socialism, i. e. , his Principle of Peoples Livelihood, is equalization of landownership and restriction of capitalism with a view to eradicating the ills of capitalism.