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它潜伏在海底。It lurks beneath the sea.

潜伏,侦察,突击!Conceal, reconnoiter, assault!

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还可以用潜伏或活动区分。Also segmented by latent or active.

难道她曾看见他潜伏在外面?Had she seen him lurking about outside?

在我与你联系之前,你得潜伏不动。You should hibernate before I contact with you.

在平安夜的浓雾当中潜伏著什麽的大阴谋?And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

但是,仍然有一种称为“午间危机”的玩意儿潜伏在四周,你经历过没有?This kind of situation is called "mid-day crisis".

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恐惧是潜伏于我们内心的众多敌人之一。Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

该模具采用潜伏浇口型腔板-推杆二级脱模机构。A two-step demoulding mechanism was also introduced.

这伙强盗现在潜伏在欧洲某地。These robbers are now flying low somewhere in Europe.

青帮另一个潜伏的日本人通知坂田,叶山玉碎。Drew another latent Japanese notify sakata, cascade die.

你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?。How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party?

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我嗅到深深的神秘潜伏在各处,深浅不一。I can smell a deeply mysterious lurk everywhere, two-tone.

它化作“社会性的共同情感”潜伏在文学作品中。It incubates in literary works as "a mutual social emotion".

成群结队的德国潜艇被迫潜伏在海底,并且不断地受到困扰。The U-boat packs were kept underwater and harried continually.

他们经常潜伏在黑灯瞎火的小街上,对过路人行凶抢劫。They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passer-by.

目前正在寻找潜伏在猪体内危险的前病毒,并消灭之。The hunt is on to find any potentially dangerous pig proviruses.

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在加勒比海,一条海鳗潜伏在装满鱼笼子的外面。A moray eel lurks outside a cage full of fish in the Caribbean Sea.

我们反对这种潜伏恐惧的义乌仿真花市场观点,我们只希看和平接触。We oppose this fear latent view and only wish for peaceful contact.

是否存在第二杀手,也许他就潜伏在附近的那个草坪上?Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby "grassy knoll"?