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我曾经放荡不羁,愚不可及。I have been wild and foolish.

他的帅是一种放荡不羁的帅。He was handsome in a raffish kind of way.

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达娜在她年轻的时候是一个完全放荡不羁的人。Dana was a real swinger in her younger years.

它是放荡不羁、跟社会生活没关系吗?Is it loosed and rent asunder from social life?

他本人魅力十足,生活放荡不羁。A suave charmer, he had a reputation for living fast.

这个孩子自从父亲死后就放荡不羁了。Since his father's death, the boy has had full swing.

当他谈起他放荡不羁的社交生活时,没人能让他不说下去。No man could switch him off when he talked about his gay social life.

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再放荡不羁的漂泊者,总有想家的时候。Again dissolute drift on water unruly, always there is time of homesick.

过着这种享乐而放荡不羁的私生活,西佐感到极为劳累。For one with such a hedonistic and varied private life, Xizor grew tired.

可怜的乔治才比他那放荡不羁的弟弟大一岁,却显得有六十岁了。Poor George, only a year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty.

过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to meet friends, but impossible.

一个放荡不羁、穿一身绿衣服的老太婆笑眯眯地向他招手。A wild-looking old woman dressed all in green had waved merrily at him once on a bus.

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我还听说他生活放荡不羁,但这也许只是恶意的谣言。I have also heard that he leads a dissolute lifestyle, but that is probably just a nasty rumor.

长老应是无可指摘的,只做过一个妻子的丈夫,所有的子女都是信徒,又没有被控告为放荡不羁的。If any be without crime, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot, or unruly.

球员时代就放荡不羁的球王老马成为主帅后,变得愈发与众不同。The era of bohemian players as coach after the world number one old horse, has become increasingly unusual.

其天性放荡不羁,但传统和良知又使它不能尽情迸发。He was born with unconventional nature but the traditional value and his conscience prevented its ebullition.

这种达观也产生了自由意识,放荡不羁的爱好,傲骨和漠然的态度。And from this detachment arise also his sense of freedom, his love of vagabondage and his pride and nonchalance.

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可是,他自己的生活却毫无规律,过着放荡不羁、无忧无虑、经常酗酒的浪漫诗人的生活。His own life was disorderly and he fulfilled the romantic picture of a free-spirited, irresponsible, often drunken poet.

那一整套放荡不羁的艺术家罗曼蒂克的形象——吸毒、到处招摇、跟谁都上床——已经过时了。That whole romantic image of the bohemian artist doing drugs and running around and sleeping with everyone is played out.

在晚清湖湘学人中,王闿运以其放荡不羁的性格与乐极进遥的人生态度而别具一格。Wang Kaiyun was noticed by his unconventional disposition and carefree life among these Hunan scholars in Late Qing dynasty.