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也许我会睡过头醒来后发现羊群早已失散。I’d oversleep and lose my flock.

他的家人在战争中失散了。His family was severed in the war.

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她用双臂搂住了她失散多年的亲属。Her arms closed around her long lost relative.

母亲急不可待地要见她失散多年的儿子。The mother couldn't wait to see her long-lost son.

如失散多年的老朋友,大家回到海边叙旧起来。As the old friend, long-lost catch up to the people.

搜索的人们为了寻找失散的小孩,呈扇形散开。The searchers fanned out to look for the missing child.

你是否曾经发现自己和妈妈或爸爸失散了?Have you ever found yourself separated from your mom or dad?

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我们终于在一家酒馆里找到了我们失散的伙伴。We finally tracked down our lost companion in a public house.

里面有张照片,第一次我看到失散多年的儿子。There was a picture enclosed, my first sight of my lost child.

如果将来夫妻失散了,就把它当作信物。Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated.

我就像是在兵荒马乱中和亲人失散后,几经周折,总算和亲人又团聚了。It was like a family reunion after the turmoil and chaos of war.

他热盈眶,紧紧地抱住失散多年的女儿。With tears of joy, he enfolded his long-lost daughter in his arms.

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随着时间的逝去,我对我失散的兄弟感到担忧。As the days whizzed by, I felt worried about the long-lost brother.

黄以轩告诉孙世安这就他是失散多年的女儿黄璐璐。Yellow to tell SunShiAn this he xuan is a long-lost daughter HuangLuLu.

老妇人热泪盈眶,紧紧拥抱住失散多年的儿子。With tears of joy, the old woman enfolded her long-lost son in her arms.

他发现与失散多年的珍品和险恶陷阱古刹。He discovers ancient temples with long lost treasures and menacing traps.

他们与失散的女儿团聚,快乐的情景是可想然而知的。Imagine the joyful scene when they were reunited with their lost daughter.

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最近有传媒报导,一对同父异母嘅韩裔姊妹失散足足40年。Recent media reports, a half of her Korean sisters separated for 40 years.

由于我动作比较慢,在安仁这里居然和大家失散了40多分钟。I was too slow to keep up with them so that Iwas late for 40 mins in Anren.

如何才能有爱,如果我们失散的尝试哲学较早。How can there be love if we are separated as you try to philosophize earlier.