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请看第八页第五行。Please look at page 8, line 5.

五行蔬果汁又是什麽呀?。What are "five elements" veg&fruit juices?

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古陶片上有黑墨水写的五行字。The ostracon has 5 lines of text in black ink.

或者上帝为了使你高兴而抛出一首五行打油诗。Or God will toss off a limerick for your pleasure.

中医基本理论包括阴阳、五行和易经是可以来解译基因组的。Yin and Yang, Wu-Xing, and Yijing can decipher the genome.

陶艺被称为融金、木、水、火、土为一体的五行之艺。Ceramic is called the integrated art of fire, water and clay.

太乙五行拳为道家崂山派拳术,由五行拳和五形拳两部分组成。Taiyi Five-form Boxing of Taoism is the boxing technique of Mt.

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有人帮我把五行诗的空填上吗?Will someone please help me fill in the blanks in the limerick?

只使用了五行代码,我就有了一个可工作的存根。With a mere five lines of code, I have a workable testing stub.

五行学说的价值主要在于其方法论意义。Theory of five elements has some value by its significance of methodology.

所谓五行指的是金、木、水、火、土。The five basic materials or elements are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

五行中的任何之一都有克我和我克两方面性质。Any one of the five elements has two aspects-being restricted and restricting.

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五行八作各有各的规矩,不论做哪一行,都要守行规。Each profession has its own rules. No matter what you do, you must follow them.

在五行学说中,金为白,乃金属光泽之色。In the theory of five elements, gold and white, the color is a metallic luster.

中医的“五行”,藏医的“三因”体现了数思维。TCM' S "Five Elements"Tibetan medicine"three for"embodies a number of thinking.

史官的王官之学是阴阳五行家的知识背景。Historiographers' expertise was the knowledge background of the Yin-Yang school.

在古代中国的阴阳五行学里,每一项都有一个相关的颜色。In the ancient chinese theory of the Five Elements, each had an associated color.

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五行指的是木、火、土、金、水和它们的运动。The five elements refer to wood, fire, earth, metal, and water and their motions.

五行的这种关系叫做“母子”关系。This relationship of the five elements is called the "mother-child" relationship.

五行中的生克关系是不可分离的。Generation and restriction have the correlations inseparable in the five elements.