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弄到这本书,他如获至宝。Li Ping did. He wanted his book back.

警戒委员会自然是如获至宝,还围绕着这份信设下了一个圈套。The Committee of Vigilance pounced on the letter.

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温总理年轻时侯的照片,我想一定会让“八宝饭”们感到如获至宝。Here is a photo which was taken when Premier Wen was young.

姥爷如获至宝,因为那是教会里唯一的赞美诗集。He was thrilled, since it was the only hymnal in his church.

我如获至宝的接住了铅笔,差点就热泪盈眶的磕头拜谢。I seem to have hit the jackpot caught pencil, almost tears kowtow to me.

北野武藏在俘虏中如获至宝的发现了王师北。Kitano hidden in captive discovered king unsanitary environment in north division.

还是我女儿提醒我到网上去找-结果,还真找到了,下载之后,我如获至宝…Thanks for my daughter's advice, I found and downloaded the music through internet.

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当时我是开玩笑,并非严肃的说,但是媒体如获至宝,把它作为头条大肆报道。I was joking, it was not serious, but naturally the press picked up on it and splashed it all over the headlines.

八卦记者如获至宝,两人走到哪儿,记者跟到哪儿,计算着他们相处及分开的时间。The gossip columns had a field day, ­following their every move, tracking the time they spent together and apart.

黑暗中陈佳塔见到了一缕曙光,他如获至宝,只要有一丝希望,他都要尽力去争取。When Chen Jiata witnesses the slight light in the darkness, he takes it as a hope and spares no effort to strive for it.

廖斌停下汽车拾起密码筒,如获至宝回到车上,没有再继续跟踪白宙一行人。Liao Bin stopped a car to pick up the password cone, picked back to the bus, no longer tracking Bai Zhou a line of people.

或许上帝希望人们几经错爱后才邂逅各人的真命天子,那样,人们才会如获至宝,才会感恩。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift.

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因为最终,你会得到一些东西,这些东西会从方方面面改变你的生活,会让你如获至宝,会让你开开心心而不去计较赚多少钱。Because in the end, you’ll have something that will transform your life in so many ways, will give you that reason to jump out of bed, will make you happy no matter how much you make.

渴求探寻宇宙四方的真理、并且对新发现如获至宝的人们,不论身份、不论身处何方,大家都是平等的。All people who seek to discover truths about the universe around us, and all who treasure those discoveries once they are made, stand as equals -- no matter who we are, no matter where we are.