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我做了些拼贴画。I made some collages.

他得到了三个贴画。He's got three sticks.

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他一张贴画也没有。He doesn't have any stickers.

你认为这些贴画怎么样?What do you think of these stickers?

画一幅动物张贴画并写上单词。Draw a poster of the animals, write the words.

你能告诉我这贴画油画的名儿吗?。Dan you tell me the title of thellos oil painting?

另一种拼贴画是用老照片。Another version on the collage uses old photographs.

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有二十二名儿童愿意把多于一张的贴画分给别人。Twenty-two children gave away more than one sticker.

图像尺寸小,剪贴画尺寸不超过一更。Size of image is small, not more than a clipart size.

使学生初步了解布贴画的形式特点。Enable Ss to realize the features of the cloth paste pictures.

拼贴画是后现代主义小说中主要的艺术特色之一。Collage is the major artistic feature of post-modernism novels.

1912年,他们开始做抽象拚贴画和纸贴画。In 1912, they began to experiment with collage and papier collé.

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愿景版图是拼贴画,将杂志中的图片粘贴起来。Vision boards are collages, made with images cut from magazines.

设计定制的墙拼贴画和只是一个拖和下降墙艺术。Design custom wall collages and wall art with just a drag and a drop.

我先生斯蒂芬,在我的眼镜片上分别贴了两个红色心形贴画。My husband, Stephen, had placed two red heart stickers on my glasses.

你可以在愿望板上贴满你理想中生活的墙纸或者贴画。A vision board can be a wallpaper or collage of everything you want in life.

第12届国际拼贴画交流展正在进行中,直到四月末。The 12th Annual International Collage Exchange is on until the end of April.

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今天,视频艺术已经成为一种非常受欢迎的绘画形式,特别是拼贴画中。Video art has become a popular medium in today’s art, especially in collages.

如汽车保险杠上的贴画所言,“开慢点,你的守护天使要赶不上了。”As the bumper sticker says, “Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

在课上学生将学习做拼贴画并运用透视原理创造作品。We'll also look at collage and perspective examples as well as make our own in class.