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这之后,就常常是走下坡路了。After that, it is often downhill.

之后,这些努力就开始走下坡路。But then these efforts began to go downhill.

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而规模庞大的中国经济也可能在走下坡路。China's mammoth economy may be downshifting.

那位所谓提电影皇后现已在走下坡路了。The so-called movie queen is going downhill.

而如今,房产业倒是引领着走下坡路了。Today, it appears to be leading the way back down.

它暴露了全美大学教授联合会正在走下坡路。It reveals the slope on which the AAUP now finds itself.

旅游业在走下坡路,许多酒店惨淡经营,入不敷出。Tourism are down and many hotels are operating in the red.

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关税数字表明英国的贸易一直在走下坡路。The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade.

在我看来,简森在压力下已经开始走下坡路了。In my opinion, Jenson has gone down because of the pressure.

这意味着你已经过了你的巅峰时期现在在走下坡路。They mean that you’re past your best and are now in decline.

毫无疑问,中产阶级的精神,以及收入,都正在走下坡路。No wonder middle-class spirits, as well as incomes, are sagging.

而且有趣的是,这个数字会一直走下坡路。And what's interesting is that the figure gose steadily downhill.

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现在年轻人总是以为30岁后就会开始走下坡路。Now teenagers always have thought that 30-year-olds are over the hill.

我的意思是,中产阶级工作岗位的增长量相对于其它工作来说正在走下坡路。It’s just that their growth is sagging compared with that of other jobs.

这辆自行车的闸不灵了。你要是骑着它走下坡路,那你就是玩命呢。The bike brakes don't work. If you ride downhill, you'll be tempting fate.

这个自行车刹车坏了,如果你骑它走下坡路,那你就是玩命呢。The bike breaks don't work, if you ride down hill, you will be tempting fate.

在这波3-D电影大潮之前,整个电影行业实际在走下坡路。Leading up to the current 3-D boom, the movie industry was spiraling downward.

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它暴露了全美大学教授联合会正在走下坡路。The AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U. S.

我曾有许多男性朋友,但现已廖廖无几,我开始走下坡路了。I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I'm past my bloom.

随着美国经济开始走下坡路,IT方面的预算在短期内也将减少。In the short term a slowdown in IT spending looms as America's economy weakens.