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那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。That platinum is such a trickster.

倘若如此这般你能容忍。If these and such-like you can bear.

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如此这般地掌握了加法之后,他们又转向减法。Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction.

如此这般,急诊室的剧幕必将不复从前。Medical emergency-room dramas will never be the same again.

如此这般以至于我们不满任何挫伤我们兴奋之情的人。So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement.

而后就是找到下一步,再下一步,如此这般。Then the next step will be revealed, then the next and so on.

然后我打印X的值,如此这般,初始化点,点,点。I then print X's now such and such, initializing dot, dot, dot.

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如此这般你就不会浪费你的努力或专心了。This is so that you don’t squander your efforts or concentration.

为什么诗人要把他的心与如此这般严格的格律形式结合起来呢?Why does the poet bind his heart with such a severe discipline of form?

如此这般,诺维茨基一定希望能够还有一短时间的休息。As such, Nowitzki undoubtedly will want to take another break afterward.

我如此这般看待金钱和私有财产,似乎有些理想主义。It seems a bit idealist for me to think of money and private properties.

你开玩笑似的时常口角,如此这般几年之后,就会当真了。You playfully bicker enough, and after a few years, it stops being playful.

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严肃,不带感情色彩,晦涩难懂,如此这般以至于又多了一份滑稽有趣。Severe, unsentimental, dry, so much so as to be maybe even a little bit funny.

如此这般,我们构建出来的产品中,所有的特性都不能令人满意。An so on we go building a product full of features that don’t quite meet the bar.

如此这般导致多巴酚释放可能解释为什么人们会花大价钱投入在音乐上。Such induced dopamine release could explain why people put a high value on some music.

她在去年发表的一篇学术论文中指出,她并不希望读者如此这般解读她的新书。But that’s not what Hakim wants, as she noted in an academic paper published last year.

在上诉法院已经宣布了审判结果后,再如此这般地说这些话到底值不值得呢?Is it worth pointing out that this is after the appeal court had delivered its verdict?

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如此这般,倒不如省下你的时间不要浪费在长篇大论上面,简短的说声hi,让他们去看你的资料好了。So, don't waste your time writing an essay. Say hi and let them check out your profile.

女士之美如此这般的色情之处,都是来自科玛斯。The eroticization of the Lady's beauty has up to this point come exclusively from Comus.

我们树叶用沙沙作响回应着风和雨,你是谁呢,如此这般无声无息?We the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?