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它是一种挑衅。It was a provocation.

这至少来说是一种挑衅。It is at minimum a provocation.

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迄今为止,中国一直在挑衅。So far, China has been defiant.

它的叫声满含挑衅。It was a very aggressive barking.

我们知道他不过是在挑衅罢了。We know that he is a provocateur.

他的挑衅是我不能忍受的。His provocation is beyond my endurance.

萨尔瓦多Saadawi仍然是一个挑衅者。El Saadawi continues to be a provocateur.

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那完全是表现主义、狂妄自大和彻头彻尾的挑衅。The exhibitionism of it all. The arrogance.

但是托洛斯基的书是一个挑衅。Nevertheless, Trotsky's book is a provocation.

“喂,你为什么撇嘴?”他向我挑衅。"Feed, you why Pie mouth?"He challenges to me.

嘿,臭小子,你竟然敢挑衅我!Hey, brats, and you still dare to challenge me!

相反,他应该挑衅让日本人先进攻。Instead, he sought to provoke a Japanese attack.

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我认为这是对权威部门的挑衅。I thought it would be two fingers up to authority.

但“空海一体战”可能有过分挑衅的意味。But AirSea Battle could be excessively provocative.

他们必须停止一切挑衅。They must immediately cease all their provocations.

感谢每一次新的挑衅。Be thankful for each new challenge, dr dre headphones.

一些公猎狼会挑衅其他的公犬。Some male Borzois are aggressive with other male dogs.

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用装甲车驱散中国的挑衅者。Scattering the Chinese provokers with armoured vehicles.

对于这种水平的挑衅行为置之不理显然是很不正常的。Such docility is unusual given the level of provocation.

她谨防懦夫的暗箭,从挑衅中挖掘异议。She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.