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荡秋千.Swinging on swings.

荡秋千是我的最爱。Swing is my favorite.

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一起荡秋千.Swing on the swings together.

陈飞飞在荡秋千。Chen Feifei is playing on the swing.

我还想玩荡秋千。I love to play on the swing as well.

猴子喜欢跳到可以荡秋千的地方。The monkey jumps to where it can swing.

好,接下来玩什么?荡秋千或溜滑梯?。OK, now. What's next?The swings or the slide?

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夏天,我想在葡萄架下荡秋千。In Summer, I want to swing under the grapes stem.

开始荡秋千比赛之前,人们会在高处放一枝花。The girl who first gets the flower wins the game.

这个秋千看起来,好吧,直到你在它上面能开始荡秋千。This swing looks Ok, until you start swinging on it.

我总是在花园里面荡秋千,滑滑梯。I always play on the swing and the slide in my garden.

他只是站在那里看孩子们荡秋千。He just stood there watching the children riding on the swing.

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他们可以荡秋千、滑滑梯、到处跑,玩上好几个小时。There they can swing and slide and go round and round for hours.

“我没有枝条了,”大树说,“你没法儿在上面荡秋千了—”"My branches are gone, " said the tree. "You cannot swing on them.

他们甚至揪着他的尾巴,然后像荡秋千一样荡飞到他背上骑着他。They would even grab his tail and swing up onto his back for a ride.

狂风在我的绿发上荡秋千,闪电在我的周遭萤流。Fierce wind swings over my green hair, and lightning floats around me.

飞行员像荡秋千似地驾起了飞机,不久就升到了天空。The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air.

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但是如果他们想要在窗帘上“荡秋千”,或者想要把墙全涂成红色呢?But what if they wanted to swing on the curtains and to paint the walls red?

然后我又看到老公推着女儿在荡秋千,直到她睡觉为止,这个过程大概花了一个小时。Then he pushed her on the tire swing for another hour until she fell asleep.

旁边是小小的游乐场,荡秋千的孩子们快活嬉闹,互不相扰。Beside them there was a small entainment park, where kids were playing swing.