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他的无神论也遭到同样的下场。It was the same with his atheism.

无神论是个非预言性组织。Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

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这是一个法定的无神论国家。This was an officially atheistic state.

担心是无神论的一种表现。Worry is really just a form of atheism.

为什么现代条件会产生无神论?Why do modern conditions produce atheism?

无神论者不会以无神论的名义屠杀。Atheists don't kill in the name of Atheism.

这样,无神论对于我们,只是一个麻醉品。Atheism was thus for us a mere intoxication.

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无神论是这样一个独有的现代现象。Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon.

无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。It has nothing to do with antitheism or theism.

其他人则认为这是一个无神论的生活态度。Others see it as an atheistic approach to life.

我大半辈子都是个无神论进化论者。I was an atheist and evolutionist most of my life.

无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。Antitheism has nothing to with it, nor does theism.

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它打通基督教及甚具说服力的无神论。It bridges Christianity and the convincing atheism.

希钦斯说道,从来没有人为无神论打仗。Nobody ever went to war for atheism, says Mr Hitchens.

而与此同时,他对无神论也是持怀疑态度At the same time, he's equally suspicious of the godless.

无神论和不可知论成为了当时的时尚。So atheism and agnosticism became the fashion of the day.

在欧洲无神论和不可知论的兴起令人感到震惊。In Europe, the rise of atheism and agnosticism is stunning.

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因为他们认为休谟关于人性的理论属于无神论体系。Because they thought that his treatise of human nature was atheistic.

我是一个全白人天主教会学校里面黑皮肤无神论小孩。I was the black atheist kid in the all-white Catholic school run by nuns.

格里菲斯困惑了,“军队的意思是我若坚持无神论,就不适合当兵吗?”Griffith wondered, "Is the Army saying my atheism makes me unfit to serve?