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我们猎获了一只兔子。We bagged a rabbit.

我们今天猎获颇丰。We got a good bag today.

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你是怎么猎获这只兔子的?How did you bag the hare?

上星期天他猎获了三只松鸡。He hunted three grouse last Sunday.

适合与红肉和猎获品配搭。Most suited for red and game meats.

有些鹰类和鸟类把猎获物整个吞食。Some hawks and owls bolt their prey whole.

他们对仅猎获了一只兔子感到迷惑。They were puzzled to bag nothing except a rabbit.

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捕食者将鲜遇好运猎获其中个体。predators will have no luck in capturing their individuals.

在新加坡动物园,一头18岁的北极熊猎获一活鱼。An 18-year-old polar bear catches a live fish at Singapore Zoo.

向导对于用何种猎枪及如何将猎获的熊安全地装入袋中给他们提了一些建议。The guide advises them on which rifles to use and how to bay a bear safely.

他隔了几秒钟后才知道自己已成为那一天的猎获物之一。It was several seconds before he realized he had contributed to the day's bag.

一个较小的捕猎群体不太轻易捕捉大动物,也不太轻易保卫猎获物。A smaller hunting party is less able to tackle large prey and to defend the kill.

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在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。And after all that trouble, an opportunistic hyena grabs the kill, and scoots off.

他猎获到一头野猪,在自己的菜园里中蔬菜,寻找。He hunted a wild pig, grew vegetables in his garden and searched for wild mushrooms.

贴图的那个家伙于1971年猎获此鱼,之后就地用咖哩烹食了它!!!!!The postman got it from fishing in 1971, after that there cook it with curry! ! ! ! !

那些企图“猎获”儿童及青少年的骗子们会发出一些信息,想方设法引你入“性”。People who prey on kids and teens will send messages to try to introduce sex into the relationship.

而峡湾充斥着如此多的冰块,当地人发现在那里猎获鲸鱼也很难。And the fjords are filled with so many icebergs that local people find it hard to hunt whales there.

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然而,比较容易猎获野象,而且它们很快就会便得温驯,听从训象师的命令。Wild elephants, however, can be trapped fairly easily, and they quickly become tame enough to obey their trainer's commands.

在挂着儿子们猎获的8个角叉雄鹿鹿头的台球房,她发现天花板正在发霉,而且石灰不断地掉落到地板上。In the pool house, where eight-point heads of buck shot by the boys are mounted, she spotted moldy ceiling tiles that had crashed to the floor.

也就是说,在威尼斯人们仍可以从人群中逃离出来,重修猎获某些把我们吸引到这里来的奇迹景观。That said, as in Venice, it is still possible to get away from the crowds and recapture some of the magic that drew us all there in the first place.