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多动症就像幻灯机。ADHD is like a slide projector.

谁知道如何使用幻灯机?Who knows how to work the projector?

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您的房间有幻灯机吗?Do you have a projector in your room?

请教我如何使用这部幻灯机好吗?Could you show me how this projector works?

它的应用范围也大大超出传统的幻灯机。Its application also outruns traditional projector consumedly.

投影仪,幻灯机,银幕销售。Click Skyland URL for office supplies like projector, screens etc.

我叫他把幻灯机放在会议室的最前面。I told him to put the epidiascope in the front of the meeting room.

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确定计算机房,孵卵器,幻灯机和数码相机等设备。Sign up for computer lab, incubators, projector, and digital camera.

你不晓得穿什么衣服和幻灯机无法正常工作。You don't know what to wear and the slide projector isn't working correctly.

主要生产幻灯机,投影仪等电教产品及水准仪等测绘仪器。Audiovisual products such as slide projector, projector, leveling instrument etc.

从前,教授使用高架幻灯机而没有液晶显示投影仪和手提电脑。Once upon a time, professors used overhead projects without LCD panels and laptops.

投影仪的基本功能与幻灯机相似。The basic function of an overhead projector is similar to that of a slide projector.

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幻灯机的放映本来有些毛病,不过现在已经修好了。There were a few bugs with the slide presentation but they've all been taken care of.

用幻灯机放映幻灯片可将图像投射到幕布上。If you shine light through a slide using a projector, you can make the photograph appear on a screen.

图片质量如何,幻灯机镜头更相机镜头一样起很大作用。The lens of a slide projector is as important for the perceived image quality as is the lens of your camera.

图形能够用于投射幻灯机、简报图形软体报告、或者作为补充讲义材料之用。Graphics that can be used for overhead transparencies, PowerPoint presentations, or as additional handout material.

放大是将底片放置在一个像带有幻灯片的幻灯机一样的设备中,它叫放大机。To make an enlargement, the negative is placed in a device something like a slide projector. This is called an enlarger.

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幻灯机,粉碎及退回你的过去一包12古怪字符独特轨道3野生世界的冰,沙子和零重力!Slide, smash & bounce your way past a pack of wacky characters on 12 unique tracks in 3 wild worlds of ice, sand & zero gravity!

你也许会被叫去做演讲而不用任何设备,也可能会准备一块白板、幻灯机或投影仪。You may be called on to present using no equipment or you may have a whiteboard slide projector overhead projector or beam projector available.

会议发起人应负责安排投影仪、电脑、幻灯机、讲义甚至白板、记号笔等物品和资料。It is also up to the initiator to arrange for any materials such as a projector, computer, slides, handouts, or even just a whiteboard and markers.