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陈阿四喜出望外。O Chen four bonus.

他们说“喜出望外!And they said, "Ecstatic!

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我一定给雷诺一个喜出望外的欢迎。I'll give Renaud a fine welcome.

我喜出望外以致于忘记了约定。I was overjoyed so that I forgot the appointment.

隔了这麽久才收到你的信,贝琳达喜出望外。Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long.

她喜出望外,急急忙忙唤女儿们来分享她这种愉快。Her daughters were eagerly called to partake of her joy.

得到的说,“喜出望外,我们没从这样快乐过“Those who got it, " "Ecstatic! Happiest we've ever been."

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我喜出望外,向公主走去。I scrambled outof the reeds and walked towards the princess.

我为我一周以来又长了几磅体重而喜出望外。I was overjoyed that I had gained a few pounds since last week!

您会打惠斯特就更使外祖父喜出望外了。You will overwhelm my grandfather with delight if you play whist.

2006年10月27日,内西的第一个儿子出生了,她喜出望外。On Oct. 27, 2006, when her first son was born, Nesi was overjoyed.

她说,故居引发全球竞购令他们“喜出望外”。She said they had been "more than surprised" by the global interest.

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生平第一次有陌生人欣赏自己,她有些喜出望外。She was thrilled to be appreciated by strangers for the first time in her life.

你平日里不常显露的才华会令她喜出望外,作为你的妈妈,她会感到非常骄傲。Surprise her with your hidden talents and she will feel proud to be your mother.

在网页的一个小角落,看到他们列出瑞典肚皮舞同行的名字,找到了一个马尔默的老师,喜出望外。I found the list of Belly dancing teachers in Nordic countries and one in Malmoe online.

另一方面,文强获得可欣退役回家的消息,不禁喜出望外。In the meantime, Wenqiang is overjoyed when he receives the news of Kexin's home-coming.

“你来试试这个”,在销售员的奉承下,他喜出望外的朝他妻子喊道。"You've got to try this, " he shouted to his wife, to the delight of a fawning saleswoman.

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意中之礼物果然可喜,而意外中之礼物更使人喜出望外。Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even ater joy.

当然,他的妻子喜出望外,他们邀请了所有的朋友美美的享用了一顿鹌鹑大餐。Of course she was overjoyed, and they invited all their friends over for a big quail feast.

我见妈妈答应了,不禁喜出望外,妈妈付了钱,就出了门。I see my mother agreed, and can not help but overjoyed, my mother paid for, it out the door.