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于我上方高处,泰然自若。Poised high above me there.

甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻、面如土色。Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.

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好脾气的人会泰然自若。The good-tempered man tends to be unperturbed.

这种泰然自若的姿态要经受多种威胁的考验。This sangfroid could be tested by several threats.

这是许多思维的不可改变的、泰然自若的社会性。It is irredeemably social, unabashedly of many minds.

他们泰然自若地在公民学课上为自己的信念辩护。They'll readily defend their beliefs in civics class.

岁月虽逝,我心依旧,火箭表现得坚定不移,泰然自若。None the less, The Rockets showed great perseverance and poise.

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自始自终泰然自若的福克斯冷静地让官员们进入了珀西租用的地下室。Composed to the end, Fawkes coolly let the officials into Percy's cellar.

此时许多人显然吓坏了。甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻,面如土色。Many looked visibly frightened now. Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.

一个教士正踏着一寸多厚的灰尘,泰然自若地向他们走来。Striding unconcernedly toward them through the inches-deep dust came a priest.

然而,摄影在记录与艺术的边界中泰然自若。Photography, however, is poised on a fine borderline between documentary and art.

资产阶级泰然自若地和工人们谈论着正在准备中的事。The bourgeois talked peaceably to the working-classes of what was in preparation.

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“绝地臭臭-大!”卢克“咕咕”地叫着,朗再次偷笑起来,但奥比万保持着泰然自若的神情。"Jedi BOOGER-da! " Crowed Luke, and Lon choked again but Obi-Wan remained unperturbed.

一部分是出于必要,一部分出于真诚,他们都试着泰然自若地接受这件事。Partly out of necessity, partly out of sincerity, they are trying to take it in stride.

我将在各种情景和环境下,都保持泰然自若,且有着良好的自控力。I always stay calm and in control of myself, in every situation and in all circumstances.

泰然自若的跳进腹部首先进入海洋,一群巴布亚企鹅排成一行为了一泡。Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip.

那生物看来镇定而泰然自若,不过它的大战斧就靠在伸手可及的地方。The creature seemed calm and poised, but its great battle-ax leaned nearby within easy reach.

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他们打磨出一种我们大多数人不具备的信心,培养出一种我们只能幻想自己拥有的泰然自若。They honed a confidence that eludes most of us and summoned a poise that we can only imagine.

她泰然自若地掌管着秘书室,懂得知道如何与客户调情,恭维他们。She managed the secretarial pool with aplomb, and knew when to flirt with and flatter clients.

他剩馀不明白的如果苹果电脑泰然自若下水。It remains unclear if Apple Computer, poised to launch its line of Intel-powered Macintoshes next year.