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四个叫化子,一只小黄莺。Four Larks and a Wren.

操那些要钱的叫化子。Fuck the panhandlers grubbing for money.

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噢,叫化子,跑到自己的门上行乞!O beggar, to come to beg on thy own door!

我是说我不会要求任何姑娘给一个叫化子。I'm not asking any girl to marry a pauper.

操那些要钱的叫化子,在他妈背后笑话我。Fuck the panhandlers grubbing for money, smiling at me behind my back.

叫化子的鞋帮磨得很薄,脚趾头快要出来了。The tops of the beggar's shoes had worn so thin that his toes were poking through.

一个善读者必拿那作家从里面翻到外面,如叫化子将他的衣服翻转面来捉虱子一般。A good reader turns an author inside out, like a beggar turning his coat inside out in search of fleas.

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他们看到他在早饭以后萎靡不振地走着,而且会像叫化子似地,向一个水手伸出手。They saw him slouch forward after breakfast , and , like a mendicant , with outstretched accost a sailor.

要是你竟敢说我卑鄙、龌龊这一类的话,那你就是一个大胆无耻的叫化子。When you take the liberty of calling me mean or base, or anything of that sort, you are an impudent beggar.

有些作家能如叫化子的积满了虱子的衣服一般,不断地和很有趣地挑拨他们的读者。痒也是世间一件趣事。Some authors provoke their readers constantly and pleasantly like a beggar's coat full of fleas. An itch is a great thing.

又如过去农村有些人,生的孩子常夭折,就给孩子改贱名来化解,取什么“叫化子”、“狗剩儿”之类的乳名。Another example is the past, some people in rural areas, often a child born to die, give the child to resolve to change Jianming, take so-called "beggar", "dog left a few" or similar nicknames.