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这些家伙是怎么变得如此阔绰的?How did these guys all get so rich?

沙太太肯定有个阔绰的老情夫在暗中资助她。Mrs. Sha must have had a sugar daddy on the side.

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达尔文在贝格尔号上“阔绰”的住处。Darwin's "generous" accommodations aboard the Beagle.

越是阔绰大手笔的礼物越是使人产生更大的怀疑。The more indulgent the gift the greater the suspicion it seems.

他尝试过用挥金如土的阔绰方式去取悦于她。He attempts to woo her in a characteristically extravagant manner.

如此,我觉得我手面已很阔绰,而且这样做无损于我的贫困。I found thus that I had been a rich man without any damage to my poverty.

可马丁却早已仗恃那十篇小故事过起了阔绰的生活。Martin had even been extravagant m the strength of those on ten storiettes.

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一些中国的高尔夫球手甚至比美国球手还出手阔绰。Chinese golfers tend to be even higher spenders than Americans, Cantlay says.

奢华并不依存于阔绰和华丽,而是显现在不粗俗之中。And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.

奢华并不依存于阔绰跟华丽,而是显现在这会不粗俗之中句号。And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.

出手阔绰的慈善家们随之出现了,比如回收业巨头陈光标。Flashy philanthropists have emerged, like the recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao.

眼下,即便是以前出手最阔绰的人也开始精打细算了。With even the biggest spenders starting to scrimp, luxury companies from Chanel S.

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实际上,这意味着非洲国家交到了一个又阔绰要求又低的朋友。In practice, this means that African governments have a rich friend with low standards.

身陷牢狱的男人向我追叙往事,眼中闪着光,他们曾像国王一样阔绰地生活过。Men in jail reminisce, with a twinkle in their eyes, about their days living like kings.

原指望以此过上阔绰的生活,可到头来他只不过是个骗子,而我的资本净值变成了大零蛋。Finally, after all that high living, it comes out he was a fraud and my net worth was bupkes.

中国游客不仅数量上是世界第一,出手更是全球最阔绰。China is the source of most of the world's tourists as well as its biggest-spending travelers.

王继闯出手阔绰很出名,年初一朋友结婚,他送了辆奥迪A4。Wang Jichuang was famous for its lavish, the Lunar New Year's day friends get married, he sent the Audi A4.

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不过为了修复环境,这个阔绰的工程似乎注定要给日益增长的经济开支再添上一大笔。But this big ticket item looks set to add further to the growing economic bill for environmental restoration.

这么一个出手阔绰又不拘小节的投资者是那些啰里啰唆的西方人能比的吗?Isn't such a generous investor who isn't bothered about trifling matters comparable to troublesome westerners?

德国觉得自己已不再那么阔绰,不再愿意为其他国家做冤大头。Germany doesn't feel so rich anymore and doesn't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.