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两个路由器之间的标识?Airprint between two routers?

画出某物与标识相匹配。Drow something to match the sign.

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什么是应用程序标识?What is the application identity?

在右后口袋里的红色标识标签。Red logo tag at back right pocket.

界碑只是一种标识。A boundary marker is only a symbol.

作为显示输出的总标识表记标帜。Display the total mark as an output.

错误来自标识的要求。The error came from favicon request.

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与标识提供者的集成。Integration with an identity provider.

水彩农村房子标识。Watercolor countryside house logotype.

正如生活中一些帮派都有自己的标识。Graffiti mark the turfs of rival gangs.

“能量之星”标识到底有多好?Just how good is the Energy Star label?

唯潸潸泪滴,凄苦的标识!But heavy tears, badges of either's woe.

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您可能已标识了另一个子流程。You likely identified another subprocess.

这个标识表记标帜指出了我该去的地方。The sign here indicated where I should go.

“核心标识是你”。"The core identity is you," Simmonds says.

我们也把他们的标识放到我们的主页。We also added their logos to our home page.

每个簇都是由唯一的索引号来标识。Each cluster are the only index to identify.

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此比特位用于标识连续的数据包。This bit is toggled for consecutive packets.

检查标识并讯问您不认识的人。Check IDs and question people you don't know.

使服务标识由使用者驱动Let service identification be consumer-driven