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我们必须顾全大局。We must take the overall situation into account.

你经常提醒自己顾全大局。You often remind yourself of the "bigger picture. ""

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牺牲小我,顾全大局,争论无益,忠恕是从。Sacrifice yourself, on-time, loyal to argue, is from.

你要谈到的是,你知道,你能够合理统筹,顾全大局。You talk about, you know, being able to prioritize and manage.

我们在处理任何事情的时候都要记得顾全大局。We should keep the tail from wagging the dog to deal with all the things.

使我们失望的是他不顾全大局。To our disappointment he refused to take the whole situation into account.

使我们失望的是他不顾全大局。To our disappointment, he fails to take the whole situation into consideration.

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沐浴在爱中的人会顾全大局而不会计较一些小缺陷。People that are in love tend to look beyond minor annoyances to the bigger picture.

当Y世代太过感情用事的时候,他们会因为上级提醒要顾全大局而收益。When Gen Ys become over-emotional, they benefit from being reminded of the big picture.

为顾全大局,莱娅将同盟基地的安全置于其个人对朋友的关心之上,只能照办。A stoic Leia complied, putting the safety of the Alliance base over her personal concerns for her friends.

顾全大局,有良好的集体观念,遵守时间,乐于帮助其他人。Pay attention to the interests of the whole , have the fine collective spirit , be on time , be happy to help other person.

金溥聪回应他的攻击说,许舒博应该顾全大局专注在总统大选。King responded to the attacks by saying that Hsu should look at the larger picture of a victory in the presidential election.

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顾全大局要求我谨言慎行,差不多就是我在黑板上画的这个图表标记的内涵。Having taken all these precautions which are dictated by mere prudence, here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

有时候你必须顾全大局,要考虑下球队的未来。这个意味这你要两者兼顾。Sometimes you have to think about the big picture and the future of the club and that means you have to do your best on both sides.

两年来,自己始终保持奋发有为的精神状态,服从领导,顾全大局,严以律己,务实苦干。Two years, oneself always keep promising mental state, obey leadership, pay attention to the interests, who, pragmatic and hard work.

高寒是一队之长,做事本该顾全大局,为了搭救姚珂,他险些冲动行事不顾己方队员的安全。Alpine is a team of long work, the overall situation, in order to rescue Yao Ke, he was impulsive regardless of one's own team of security.

为了顾全大局,我们在钓鱼台巡航宣示主权,沿着钓鱼台绕了一圈,正好一个小时。In order to consider the overall situation, we declare the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai cruise along the Diaoyutai around in a circle, just an hour.

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这个国家拥有组织极为精良的救援服务,其“顾全大局”的领导思维模式使他们可以花很大力量,实施可能最大的援救。The country has extremely well-organized rescue services and a ‘save the day’ leadership mindset that goes to great lengths to recover as many as possible.

可见老和尚是位真正懂得顾全大局、放下身段、随缘知足的人,才能使得大众和合无诤,和谐相处。The old monk is someone who sees the whole picture and can let go. He also knows how to be content and follow the conditions. This leads to harmony and not conflict.

但陆涯仍坚持顾全大局,解救秦骜、渝雯于危难之中,带着雅德利一起来到了重庆黑室。But Liu Ya still insists to take the interests of the whole into account, rescue Qin Ao, Yu Wen at jeopardy in, taking Yadeli to arrive together Chongqing black chamber.