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他向警察投案了。He gave himself up to the police.

那逃犯投案了。The escaped prisoner gave himself up.

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我们必须阻止他投案自首。We must stop him from giving himself up.

疑犯向警方自首、投案。The suspect gave himself up to the Police.

罪犯向警察局投案自首。The criminal gave himself up to the police.

那个凶手向司法部门投案自首。The murderer delivered himself up to justice.

有消息说,杀人犯已经投案自首了。News came that the murderer had given himself up.

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我们规劝窃贼向警方投案自首。We advised the burglar to surrender himself to the police.

我们劝那些劫持者向警察投案。We advised the hijackers to surrender themselves to the police.

他被要求在今天中午前向当局投案自首。He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities.

我是一个充满荣誉感的男人,并且我会去警察局投案自首。I am a man of honor and I will turn myself over to the police for their murder.

在中世纪他们相信女巫可以变成黑猫投案自首。During the Middle Ages it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats.

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目前,肇事儿子向警方投案自首,糊涂父亲也被警方立案调查。The son has now surrendered to the police, and his father's actions was also recorded in police files.

作者认为,一般自首的构成要件包括两个方面,一是自动投案,二是如实供述自己的罪行。One is that subject should surrender automatically and the other is that he must truly state his crime.

快点去警察局投案解释清楚,不然我可要找兄弟出来,给你难看了。Go to the police station and explain clear quickly. Otherwise, i will call my brothers to teach you a lesson.

在新泽西州纽瓦克,一名被指控杀害三名大学生的嫌犯只向市长投案。A man in Newark, New Jersey charged in the slayings of three college students surrenders , but only to the city's mayor.

一名负责此次运输的巴拉圭男子已经投案,警方正在搜寻另一名负责人。A man responsible for the transport of Paraguay has been surrendered, the police are searching for another person in charge.

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伊利诺伊斯州前警官因涉嫌他的第四任妻子失踪案,数小时前投案自首,目前已经被释放。Hours after a former Illinois police sergeant suspected in his fourth wife's disappearance turned himself in, he was released.

据新华社报道,江苏警方昨日表示,现年32岁的男子郑某,将其朋友王某的7名亲属杀死后,4日向警方投案自首。A 32-year-old man surrendered to police Sunday after murdering seven relatives of a friend in Jiangsu Province, Xinhua reported.

而当地警方的一份声明称,他们没有找到杨家勤,警方告诉他妻子,让她丈夫投案自首。In a statement, the police insisted that they had searched fruitlessly for Mr. Yang, then told his wife he should turn himself in.