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我们喜欢上凶手。We love our murderer.

凶手是职业杀手。Your killer is a pro.

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这个杀婴凶手是谁?Who's the baby killer?

凶手被办罪了。The murderer was punished.

他是个凶手,凶手。He is a killer, a murderer!

和一个凶手双式直插式封装池看!Dipping pool with a killer view!

这个凶手勒死了被害者。The killer strangled his victims.

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那个凶手被追踪到巴黎。The murderer was traced to Paris.

警方正在追捕杀害她的凶手。The police are always hounding me.

凶手用它来系住血管。He used it to tie off blood vessels.

凶手被当场拿获。The murderer was caught on the spot.

他一口咬定了盖瑞是凶手。He insists that Gary is the murderer.

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她和杀她丈夫的凶手一起睡觉!She sleeps with her husband's killer!

凶手在血泊中被逮捕。The murderer was arrested red-handed.

一个狡猾的凶手在众目睽睽下隐藏。A cunning killer hides in plain sight.

他拼命从凶手手中夺下了刀。He wrested the knife from the murderer.

有凶手被缉拿归案了吗?Have any of the murderers been captured?

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只有一件案子的凶手被逮捕。Only one case has resulted in an arrest.

不要怪我们,要怪你们自己的杀人凶手。Don't blame us. Blame your own murderers.

警方认为这个射击凶手是“单独行动的”。Police believed the shooter "acted alone.