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你梳你右翼。You preen your right wing.

现在,右翼满眼所见都是这个恶魔幻影。Now it is all they can see.

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我卖给左翼和右翼。I sell to leftist and rightist.

他们浅尝涉足于右翼政治。They dabble in right-wing politics.

有些同学的政治立场是右翼的。Some of you are politically right wing.

足球流氓骚乱在波兰国内很普遍,他们大多属于右翼种族主义组织。Most belong to racist right-wing groups.

右翼下加装了搜索探照灯。A searchlight is added in the right wing.

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剩下的是右翼基督教狂热者。The rest are right-wing Christian fanatics.

他的任命会让右翼分子高兴。His appointment will please the right-wingers.

他们迂回到敌军的右翼。They turned the right flank of the enemy troop.

席尔瓦是葡萄牙右翼党派民众党成员。Silva is a member of the rightist People's Party.

他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。They were deputed to put our views to the assembly.

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该政党开始清洗右翼分子。The party have begin a purge of right- wing element.

是日本右翼势力的典型代表。He is a representative of the Japanese right-wingers.

你一定是个伪装好的日本右翼间谍。You must be a Japanese right wing spy under disguise.

他也不完全是传统意义上的右翼。Nor was he simply right-wing in the traditional sense.

党内占主导地位的依旧是右翼势力。The dominant tendency in the party remained right-wing.

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这是叫做Libertas的右翼集团,”他说。This is a right-wing group called Libertas, " he said."

在右翼政府统治下,这种情况更糟糕。And under this right-wing government it is getting worse.

我装甲部队向敌军的右翼逼进。Our armoured troops bore down on the enemy's right flank.