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让火球起飞吧!Let the fireballs fly!

起飞,降落。Takeoffs and landings.

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飞机因雾不能起飞。The plane was fog-bound.

查询起飞时间。Asking for departure time.

起飞时不要抽烟。No smoking during take-off.

我们的飞机10点起飞。Our plane leaves at 10 a.m.

平安的起飞和降落。Safe take-offs and landings.

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这只在起飞的时候才发生That happens during takeoff.

这架班机正点起飞吧?Does this flight depart on time?

不久就要宣布这班飞机的起飞时间了。The flight will is announce soon.

经济起飞。The economy is at a take-off stage.

飞机将于六点零五分起飞。The plane gets off at six past five.

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请告诉我起飞时间,好吗?Will you tell me the departure time?

飞机起飞和降落时最不舒服。Landings and take-offs are the worst.

飞机将于六点零五分起飞。The plane takes off at six past five.

飞机从航空母舰上起飞了。Carrier-Based aircraft patrolled above.

我想确认起飞时间。I'd like to confirm the departure time.

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飞机每小时整点起飞。The plane departs every hour on the hour.

让起飞和着陆的次数保持相等!Try to keep as many landings as takeoffs.

不。起飞后,您可以解开它。No. After taking off, you can unfasten it.