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这是一条人迹罕至的山路。This mountainside was unfrequented all day.

大片土地干旱荒芜,属半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。Vast areas are arid or semi-desert, and virtually uninhabited.

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大片地区都是干旱或者半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。Vast areas are arid or semi-desert, and virtually uninhabited.

这位科学家已经在人迹罕至的南极待了六个月。The scientist has spent six months in the solitudes of the Antarctic.

这位科学家已经在人迹罕至的南极待了六个月了。The scientist has spent six months in the solitudes of the Antarctic.

过去,长滩岛是一个人迹罕至、白砂弥望、水体清澈的绿洲。Boracay used to be a near-empty oasis of white sand and pristine waters.

那些战士们在人迹罕至的深雪中步履艰难地走了好几公里。The soldier trudged several kilometres or so through the deep untrodden snow.

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阿斯特的家族在苏格兰朱拉岛拥有一处房产,与艾雷相邻,人迹罕至。His family owned an estate on the remote Scottish island of Jura, next to Islay.

她越过旷野,穿过人迹罕至的树林,但追赶的脚步声愈加逼近。Through pathless woods she ran, but the sound of his pursuing feet ever grew nearer.

专家称,价格低廉的航空旅行正在把人迹罕至的地方变成熙熙攘攘的观光景点。Experts say low-cost air travel is bringing tourists to areas previously unvisited by humans.

在性方面你喜欢探索,总想尝试新的、刺激的东西或者“人迹罕至”的地方。Sexually you are adventurous and will try anything that is exciting, new, or off the beaten track.

桃花峪人迹罕至,满山草药,气候宜人,桃花艳丽。Peach Valley has plenty of medicinal herbs and beautiful peach blossom, mild climate and few people.

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没有金钱,没有物质的回馈,在这条人迹罕至的道路上,丹尼尔到底在追求什麽?What did Daniel want as riding on this sparsely-populated road without any money or material feedback?

巴基斯坦军方官员坚持说,他们已经获得所有,但巴焦尔最人迹罕至的地区。Pakistani military officials insist that they have secured all but the most inaccessible parts of Bajaur.

也许是因为这是块荒芜之地,又在一个人迹罕至的角落,这才对我有了魅力。Perhaps its being a deserted bit of waste land lying in an out-of-the-way corner gave it its charm for me.

冒险,自由,探索人迹罕至的地方,勇攀顶点,享受自然,锻炼体魄,寻求新奇刺激。Adventure, freedom, go where no one has ever been, reach the top, enjoy nature, exercise, the excitement of newness.

在人迹罕至、任随风吹雨打的山峰上遍布着最鲜亮的地衣、苔藓,开花着最可爱的野花。The brightest lichens and mosses, the loveliest gems of wild flowers, abound far up on the bleak, storm-scalped peak.

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在一个人迹罕至的山谷中,坐落着的一个清澈的小湖。四周环绕着无数绿色的植物和不知名的鲜艳的花。There is small clear lake settled in a unfrequented valley, around by all kinds of green plants and nameless flowers.

这一带人迹罕至,一片荒凉,偶尔能见到的不过是孤零零的牧羊人居住的小屋。If any mark of human occupation is met with hereon, it usually takes the form of the solitary cottage of some shepherd.

路上人迹罕至,即便偶有行人,也是裹着口罩,行色匆匆,将自己包裹在厚厚的衣服当中。The road less traveled, even if occasionally pedestrian, is wrapped in a mask, hurry, his clothes were wrapped in thick.