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我被他的不凡气度吸引了。His charming air arrested my attention.

李白诗歌的魅力在于气象不凡。LI Bais poems are most attractive in the scenes.

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但是看起来孔子在很多方面都取得了不凡的成就。But it seems Confucius has made his mark on many.

在大型工程项目中,有不凡的表现。In the large-scale projects, out of the ordinary.

卓尔不凡、妩媚动人、性感迷人无疑是不可抵挡的武器。Being remarkable, charming and sexy were formidable weapons.

在他的眼里,她卓然不凡,使其他女性黯然失色。In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.

薄熙来,作为一名抱负不凡的政党高官,正是其推手之一。An ambitious high party offical, Bo Xilai, is partly responsible.

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选择一款纸灯仿佛成为主人品位不凡的象征。Choice section paper lamps as a symbol of their grade performance.

吴趼人写情小说的艺术是卓立不凡的。Wu Jianren's romantic novels has acquired great achievement on art.

他在同公认的最可能夺魁的人竞争时表现不凡。He made a good showing in competition with acknowledged front-runners.

我们这些做创意工作的,因为品味不凡得以进入这个行业。All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.

多样的地貌和生境种类使这里景色不凡。The mosaic of landforms and habitat types creates superlative scenic vistas.

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专注用心服务,打造行业品牌,出手自然不凡!Focus on hard services, building industry brands, extraordinary natural shot!

美国人穿上龙袍、戴上凤冠风采不凡。These Americans in imperial robe and phoenix coronet look unusually graceful.

还有很多画外音不时低语着,提醒你影片的卓越不凡。And a lot of cooing voiceovers reminding you of all the brilliance on display.

就连Erediato也说一次测量不能成为不凡的证据。Even Ereditato says that one measurement does not extraordinary evidence make.

专注用心服务,打造行业品牌,出手自然不凡!Focus on intentions, to create the industry brand, natural extraordinary shot!

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其对贾宝玉和王熙凤的救助又显出她的不凡人格。Her character is fully revealed through her help to Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng.

中国商用飞机有限公司自2008年5月成立以来应经取得了不凡的成就。The Chinese planemaker has made great strides since it was set up in May 2008.

其治国用兵,以务实为旨,远见卓识,谋略不凡。Wu Its ruling military, practical for purport, foresight, counsel is uncommon.