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10月2号,苏联总理赫鲁晓夫在与毛太祖的一次会议上为尼赫鲁做了辩护。On 2 October, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev defended Nehru in a meeting with Mao.

如果毛太祖想要实现他达成历史终点的梦想的话,他就必须让每个人的行为和思维都变成农民那样。If Mao wanted to achieve the dream of ending history, he had to make everyone think and act like peasants.

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辽太祖时期,采用强行推广唐代医学知识的操作方式。The Taizhu Emperor of Liao Dynasty forced the popularization of medical knowledge by imitating that of the Tang Dynasty.

淮海战役,被认作为是一场人民战争的典范或者是作为有太祖特色的革命战争的一个部分来研究。The Huai Hai Campaign could be studied as an example of a people's war or as part of the Maoist model for revolutionary war.

最初,名称的性格,他是为了玩,是个典型的日本人之一,但它已成为太祖时,应请求他时,他说。Initially, the name of the character he is to play was a typical Japanese one, but it became Taejo at the request of him, he said.

明代从太祖开始,大力强调儒家理学,使之在国家政治、社会生活等各方面的作用得以强化。Since its first Emperor MingTaizu, Ming Dynasty had been reinforcing Confucianism and made it important in political life, social life etc.

我们问遍家里的老辈人,祖母,太祖母,父母,叔叔,婶婶,结果知道她是家里唯一的左撇子。And we went back through all the generations we can ask, grandmothers and great grandmothers and parents and aunts and uncles, she is the only one.

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宋太祖采取削夺武将军权,实行“更戍法”等多方面措施,使将兵关系趋于正常。Song Taizu succeeded in changing relationship between generals and soldiers close to the normal by depriving of the power of generals and by applying to Gengshu law.

金正日需要中国经济援助,用以实现每家每户餐桌上都有“米饭肉汤”从而在2012实现“民族复兴”,此乃其父亦朝鲜王朝之太祖金日成百年诞辰之时。Kim needs China to meet a pledge to put “rice with meat soup” on every table and build a “thriving nation” by 2012, the centennial of his father and the nation's founder, Kim Il Sung.

金正日需要中国经济援助,用以实现每家每户餐桌上都有“米饭肉汤”从而在2012实现“民族复兴”,此乃其父亦朝鲜王朝之太祖金日成百年诞辰之时。Kim needs China to meet a pledge to put “rice with meat soup” on every table and build a “thriving nation” by 2012, the centennial of his father and the nation’s founder, Kim Il Sung.

正因为如此,宋太祖开国后,遂有针对性地从人事调整和制度建设两方面同时入手来强化武德司。Just for this reason, after the founding of Song dynasty, Emperor Taizu concurrently started to strengthen the Arm Moral Department directly from regulating personal system and functional system.