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啊,你看恶魔城。这就是军队!Oh- its just the troops!

恶魔快跑的故事版本。Run Devil Run Story ver.

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恶魔岛也算一个岛屿。Alcatraz is an island too.

现在,右翼满眼所见都是这个恶魔幻影。Now it is all they can see.

阿克拉在我心里是个恶魔。Akela is a devil in my mind.

恶魔沾上了我。I started contacting demons.

我是一个被恶魔看中的孩子!I'm a child chosen by Belial.

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即使是恶魔也要悲悼。The fishers also shall mourn.

我无法和一个不会付出的恶魔一起生活。Beside a fiend who cannot give!

这里禁止这些恶魔进入。These demons are forbidden here.

这是6进制下的恶魔之数。the Number of the Beast, base 6.

地穴恶魔们,你们这是自寻死路!Crypt fiends, you're not prepared!

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恶魔将被驱出你的心。Devils are sent out of your heart.

怎么抗击这样的恶魔?How do you fight demons like that?

也就是所有恶魔的聚集之所。It was the place of all the demons.

一群传说中的恶魔即将被唤醒。And a legendary evil will be awoken.

一个六足的黑色恶魔将他猛然按倒。A six-legged black demon tackles him.

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恶魔,丑妖精,怪物和巨人And fiends, goblins, monsters, giants

恶魔相信基督的存在吗?Do demons believe that Christ exists?

我们招唤恶魔来娱乐。We raise the devil just for pleasure.