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详见日环食图片。See annular eclipse pictures.

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日环食产生之时,玉轮看上去比太阳要小。In an annular eclipse, the moon appears smaller than the sun.

程卓称日环食将在中国的胶东半岛结束。Chen said the annular eclipse will end at Jiaodong peninsula in China.

下一个日月食季在2009年的一月,届时将出现日环食。The next eclipse season begins in January 2009 with an annular solar eclipse.

正是这个原因导致了日全食和日环食的区别。It is this effect that leads to the difference between total and annular eclipses.

像这样,太阳中部被遮盖的天象,就叫做日环食。Such events, which only blot out the middle of the Sun, are known as annular eclipses.

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在日环食期间,绕着月亮的那轮浅浅的太阳光就被称为环面。The thin ring of sunshine encircling the moon during an annular eclipse is called an annulus.

根据天文网站介绍,上次日环食短暂的发生在2009年的1月26号。According to astronomical websites, the last annular eclipse occurred roughly one year ago on January 26, 2009.

在希腊北部的观测者可在2010年1月15日日环食时看到日偏食。Viewers as far north as Greece were able to see a partial eclipse during the January 15, 2010, annular eclipse.

在此之前,2012年5月20号,一场日环食将在中国,日本,美国及太平洋被观测到。Before that, on May 20, 2012, an annular eclipse will be visible from China, Japan, the U.S., and the Pacific Ocean.

昨天的日环食从非洲开始,跨越印度洋,在格林尼治时间早上七点到达高峰。Yesterday’s light show began in Africa before crossing the Indian Ocean, where it reached its peak at about 7am GMT.

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日环食现象在一百年内大约发生66次,只能在日环食经过的狭窄的日环食带上才能观测到。They occur about 66 times a century and can only be viewed in the narrow band on the Earth’s surface below their path.

之后日环食进入亚洲,在马尔代夫,印度南部,斯里兰卡部分地区,缅甸,中国都可以观测到。It then continued into Asia where it could be seen in the Maldives, southern India, parts of Sri Lanka, Myanmar and China.

2010年1月15日,重庆直辖市,日环食过程中月亮运行到地日之间。The moon passes between the sun and the earth during an annular solar eclipse in Chongqing municipality, January 15, 2010.

在日环食发生的时候,月亮仅仅遮挡住了太阳光晕的中间部分,在外侧留下一圈可见的光环。During an annular eclipse, the moon covers only the central part of the sun's disk, leaving a ring of sunlight still visible.

程卓称中国本土最长的日环食将在云南省瑞利发生,时长8分17秒。The longest duration of the annularity on China's territory would be 8 minutes and 17 seconds in Ruili, Yunan Province, Cheng said.

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2010年1月15日,肯尼亚首都内罗毕,基贝拉贫民窟附近,人们用相片底片条来观察日环食。People use photographic film strips to observe an annular eclipse near the Kibera slums in Kenya's capital Nairobi, January 15, 2010.

2010年1月15日,肯尼亚首都内罗毕,基贝拉贫民窟附近,一个男子用相片底片条来观察日环食。A man uses a photographic film strip to observe an annular eclipse near the Kibera slums in Kenya's capital Nairobi, January 15, 2010.

2010年元月15日,襄樊、十堰、恩施、宜昌、随州等地区可观测到日环食。In Jan. 15th 2010, In Xiangfan, Shiyan, Enshi, Yichang, Suizhou and other cities of Hubei province, the annulus eclipse could be observed.