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当然,没有任何事是十拿九稳的。Nothing is certain, of course.

或许他认为自己会十拿九稳。Perhaps he considered himself a shoo-in.

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我们赢定了,十拿九稳的赢定了,我告诉你。We 're sure to win. It's in the bag, I tell you.

政府官员称上述行动显示该项目已经十拿九稳。Government officials said the move shows the project is stable.

这一次出现的机会极为难得,他满以为十拿九稳哩。This time the opportunity presented what he fatuously termed to himself a "cinch."

管理人员要想十拿九稳,最好的方法之一就是要确保在与出资人交谈时运用对方的语言。One of the best ways for a manager to do so credibly is to make sure he's speaking the sponsor's language.

航天飞机的再度发射被称作一个“十拿九稳”的计划,但是“发现者”号的旅程一波三折,问题重重。It had Been called a "success-oriented"schedule to get the space shuttle flying again, But the odyssey of "discovery"was Beset with various proBlems.

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现在看起来,西班牙人民党领袖马里亚诺对于赢得一场压倒性的胜利已经是十拿九稳了,若果如此,人民党应会对西班牙下一剂经济自由主义和财政紧缩的猛药。Mariano Rajoy, the party's leader, seems set for a landslide victory and is expected to impose a heavy dose of economic liberalism and austerity on the country.

由于为先进的游戏机开发游戏软件的成本是如此高昂,电视游戏公司往往都固守那些热卖游戏的续集或是十拿九稳的熟悉题材。Because it costs so much to develop games for today's technically advanced consoles, videogame companies often stick to sequels of popular games or surefire hits along familiar themes.

其认为,6月销售年率可能达到1,000万辆,不过"这并非十拿九稳".关键的变量将是当月的大宗销售.U.S. auto sales could reach 10 million units on an annualized basis in June, though that is "not a sure thing," Pipas said. A key variable would be the amount of fleet sales for the month.

不过,她还没达到十拿九稳的地步,急切地想打听一下克罗夫特夫妇有没有在大宅里说起这件事,因为他们是先去那里走访的。She could not, however, reach such a degree of certainty, as not to be anxious to hear whether anything had been said on the subject at the other house, where the Crofts had previously been calling.