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看日落的斜阳,就想到你。When I watch the the sunset close to the horizon.

太慢了,待他们来击宫门,已是斜阳残照。Too slow, be they hit palace, is the setting sun sunset glow.

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她对我而言一直是个废墟之城,充满了帝国斜阳的忧伤。For me it has always been a city of ruins and of end-of-empire melancholy.

西边的斜阳给雪度上了一层发亮的金色。The sun was on the west now, made the snow tinted with shining golden coat.

薄暮的斜阳又是那么的温暖,令人迷醉于那股泛黄的味道!Twilight of the setting sun is so warm, stunning yellow in the sense of taste!

那,我想这里的露天气氛和斜阳会给他们一点安神的效果。Well, I think the open air and the evening light will have a quieting effect on them.

每天这里斜阳西下的美景也迷倒了无数游人。Every day the beauty of the west bottom setting here also has charmed countless visitors.

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斜阳暖暖地照在他们身上,那情景如此美好、舒适。The slanting sun shone kindly upon them, and the scene was really beautiful and comfortable.

它北临碧波万顷的洱海,西与苍山南端的斜阳峰相对。North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative.

村前村后的野草刚起始变黄,一抹斜阳映照之下,更增了几分萧索。Weed around the village had just changed yellow, under the setting sun, it looked more desolate.

斜阳外,夏花早已萎靡,不管爱与恨,早已是落地无声。The setting sun outside, summer flowers have long slump, both love and hate, is already fall silent.

从纽约直飞北京的航班是从北冰洋上空穿过。斜阳下冰面是湛蓝的一篇。The non-stop flight from NYC to Beijing flies over the Arctic. The ice shows blue under the setting sun.

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唯有独自心伤那一缕哭得颤抖的斜阳,痛惜一个始终不愿意放下的童话。Only the heartache that alone a cry of atoms, trembling a always reluctant to put deplore the fairy tale.

我穿上了你最喜欢的那件紫衣,在黄昏最后一缕斜阳里,吹响了一支柳笛。I put on the purple clothes you like best. I start to play the willow flute in the last sunlight of the day.

沐浴在斜阳的光芒里,远方矗立着自由女神像,埃利斯岛欢迎移民们的到来。Bathed in the slantwise western sun, with the statue of liberty beyond, Ellis Island welcomes the immigrants.

即使把你们的全部财产给哈维·梅里克,他也不会为你们雕一个你们洼地上的斜阳,这你们是知道的。Harvey Merrick wouldn't have given one sunset over your marshes for all you've got put together, and you know it.

年轻人看到人生路上满是灿烂的鲜花,老年人看到人生途中的是凄美的斜阳。Young people see life on the road is full of bright flowers, old people see the setting sun on the way of life is beautiful.

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斜阳下,琉璃打着余晖,撑亮一小方檐牙,暴露出未经修复的事实。Under the banner setting, coloured glaze, hold a small party reflects light canopies teeth, exposed the facts without repair.

两三好友对坐闲聊,窗外斜阳渐落,一个下午的时光溜走得不知不觉。Two 3 good friends are right sit prattle, the setting sun outside the window falls gradually, the days afternoon escapes insensibly.

她的心此刻是宁静的,蓝天白云,当空挂着两轮斜阳,沾染得傍晚的天空如同染血。Her heart is very at the moment, blue sky pearly cloud, be empty hang 2 setting suns, soil with the sky in nightfall like stain blood.