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什么是疫苗衍生的脊髓灰质炎病毒?What is vaccine-derived polio?

生命从死亡中衍生。In death, from death, comes life.

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尼日利亚的疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒Vaccine-derived poliovirus in Nigeria

煤炭焦油所衍生出的色料。Colorings made from coal-tar derivatives.

这种连接并不只是衍生性的。The connexion is not a simple derivation.

从硅酸衍生而来的盐或酯。A salt or ester derived from silicic acid.

所以请记住它是衍生出来的。So just keep it in mind that it's flipped.

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它们的名字是从下垂的鼻子衍生而来。Their name comes from that pendulous nose.

好是因为它们衍生出的东西。They're good because of what they lead to.

重大之资产或衍生性商品交易。A material asset or derivatives transaction.

物理学从自然哲学衍生而来。The physics derives from the natural philosophy.

从苯甲酸衍生而来的一价化学基。The univalent radical derived from benzoic acid.

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衍生产品也是华尔街的一项大生意。Derivatives are also big business on Wall Street.

衍生出其它许多出版众多好书的出版社。Spawned many other publishers of many good books.

这部情景喜剧是一部很轰动的电影所衍生出来的节目。This sit-com is a spin-off of a blockbuster movie.

从乙烯衍生而来的一价化学基。A univalent chemical radical derived from ethylene.

“生态门”是从“生态家居”中衍生出的一个概念。"Eco-door" from the "eco home" in a concept derived.

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它衍生的科技用途将无穷无尽。The possibilities of spinoff technologies are endless.

有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.

那个属种的植物衍生出三个变种。That genus of plants differentiates into three species.