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我们也用谐和。We use harmonics.

谐和贵得很。Harmonics are expensive.

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不谐和的音调或和弦向和谐的音调或和弦的过渡。The progression of a dissonant tone or chord to a consonant tone or chord.

如何创造高效、有序、谐和的组织氛围?。How to create an efficient, orderable and peaceful organization atmosphere?

他们在矿井里用谐和钻孔机,让石头不高兴了。They'd started usin' harmonic drills in their mines. The stone was unhappy.

他们在矿井里用谐和钻孔机,让石头不高兴了。They'd started using' harmonic drills in their mines. The stone was unhappy.

圆圈没有角,所以圆的物体是和谐和公平的标志。A circle has no corners therefore a round object is a sign of harmony and fair.

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分享你和听众的共同点,创造和谐和共识。Share a characteristic about yourself thatyou have in common with the audience.

高椅背紧接着下弯型靠手加上实木微斜椅脚,为沙发加添一份谐和与温馨。The high back glide into a slightly serpentine arm, and tapered wooden feet add warmth.

“中国的城镇化是缺乏质量、不谐和、不调和的城镇化”。China's urbanization is the lack of quality, lack of coordination, discord urbanization.

毒素来自不谐和的科技,类似于当代科技和废料。The toxins came from discordant technology similar to present time technology and waste.

在人际关系中,实现代内关系和谐和代内公平,对实现生态的可持续发展有着至关重要的意义。And emphasis should be laid on the influence of people's social relationship on the ecological problems.

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自然生态与人文资源相谐和,形成南岸特有的温雅亲切的文化基调。Melody of the natural zoology and humanism resource constitutes the self-owned cultural mood of gentleness.

气通过镀银的表面更快于黄铜漆的表面――拥有非常饱满的,谐和的音质。The air moves through the silver plating much quicker than the brass – and has a far richer harmonic content.

分析了在桩头作用谐和荷载时有限长桩与无限长桩的动力反应,并进行了对比。Dynamic response of finite and infinite piles for harmonic load in viscoelastic subgrade is analyzed and compared.

就是这个原因,如此多选择提升道路的人们将搬到更少不谐和的地方。It is for this reason that so many whom shall choose the path of ascension will relocate to a place less discordant.

现在是利比亚人民专注于国家团结,和谐和包容的时候。Now is the time for all Libyans to focus on national unity, reconciliation and inclusiveness, " the U. N. chief said."

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而且有比拟强的组织谐和才能及团队协作肉体,反响矫捷,吃苦耐劳,灵敏应变。And have a strong organization and coordination capabilities and teamwork spirit, agile response cultures and flexibility.

研究了电力系统在周期和准周期扰动下的次谐和混沌轨道。This paper investigates the orbits of sub-harmonic and chaos in power system under periodic and quasi-periodic perturbation.

基于作者提出的饱和土弹性波动方程,研究了饱和地基上含刚核弹性圆板在竖向集中谐和力作用下的振动特性。A study of the vertical vibration of a flexible plate with rigid core resting on saturated ground is presented in this paper.