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荒野求生秘技第2季全。Man Vs. Wild season 2.

荒野求生秘技第3季全。Man Vs. Wild season 3.

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荒野求生秘技第6季全。Man Vs. Wild season 6.

她觉察到他正在放弃求生。She sensed he was giving up.

溺者求生心最切,一根稻草也要抓。A drowing man will catch at a straw.

我会让你求生不得,求死不能…I'm going to make you beg for death.

是故步自封还是险中求生?Are complacent or insurance to survive?

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橡皮筏是他在海上唯一的求生工具。The rubber raft is the only life-saving tool he has.

不过,你不能永远保持这种苟且求生的心态。But you cannot maintain that survival mentality forever.

为了求生而最后一搏,他们成为食人族。In a last ditch effort at survival, they became cannibals.

就像远古长毛象显示的那样,野生动物会挣扎求生。Wildlife struggles, as the extinction of the Mammoth shows.

Rescorla在军队里学到了很多求生的技巧。Rescorla learned many of the tricks of survival in the military.

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既然太阳晒不死,就让他求生不得求死不能!Since he can't die under the sun, we let him neither die nor live!

有些人受过求生训练,但却没有运用相关技能,导致身亡。Some people with survival training have not used their skills and died.

他们必须与一方结盟,或在夹缝中求生。They aligned themselves with one side, or got ground between millstones.

他尽管身负重伤,但仍然没有放弃求生的努力。Despite his terrible injuries, he wouldn't give up the struggle for life.

当房子销售速度缓慢销时,很多房地产经纪人也在挣扎求生。When houses are selling at a slow pace, many Realtorsare also struggling.

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因为牠是由人类饲养长大,所以牠不知道该如何在野外求生。Because he was raised by humans, he has no idea how to survive in the wild.

否则,就如迪伦所说,不忙于求生,就是在找死。Otherwise, as Dylan says, if you're not busy being born, you're busy dying.

比如,你不幸成为一次空难或海难中的受害者,你坐在救生船上,发现救生船提供的求生器具里有几根便捷信号棒。Take for instance you have been the victim of a crash, be it plane or boat.