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在钾肥鸣造纸有限公司。I worked in Chenming Paper Company Ltd.

磷钾肥对小麦产量的效应也表现出相同的趋势。P fertilizer and K fertilizer were the same.

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钾肥有利于促进健康的植物的根和强。Potash helps to promote strong roots and healthy plants.

施用钾肥提高百合鲜切花的品质。Applied K increases the quality of lily freshly cut flower.

必和必拓收购加拿大钾肥,对中国农业的决杀?If BHP buys PotashCorp, is it the end of Chinese agriculture?

钾肥和锌肥的施用,有利于甜菜对磷肥和氮肥的利用。Applying of K and Zn was favourable for the utilization of P and N.

Potash是拥有Canpotex的加拿大三大钾肥制造商之一。Potash is one of three Canadian potash producers that own Canpotex.

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土壤保持和贮存钾肥呈植物有效态的能力。Capacity of the soil to retain and store potash fertilizer in plant-available form.

有人估计在15年内仅中国每年就将使用2.6千万吨钾肥。By some estimates China alone might use 26m tonnes a year within a decade and a half.

就合理使用肥料来讲,钾肥已成为我国农业发展的瓶颈。As for intelligent use of fertilizer, the potassic fertilizer is a choke point in China.

同时,试验表明增施磷钾肥的不同处理增产提质效果不同。But the increased production amounts differ each other by applying different fertilization measures.

应用以抗病品种为主、增施钾肥、适期晚播、适当稀植等农业栽培综合防治措施。High K fertilizer application could increase the resistance of corn and decrease the disease incidence.

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在成熟期时,增施钾肥水平条件下间作蚕豆的钾含量显著高于单作蚕豆。In the harvest stage, the K content of broad bean in intercropping was higher than monocropping system.

青海察尔汉盐湖是我国已探明储量的最大可溶性钾镁盐矿床,同时也是我国唯一的大型钾肥生产基地。The Salt Lake of Chaerhan in Qinghai province is the largest soluble potassium and magnesium salt mine.

随着土壤中氮磷钾肥施用量的逐渐增加,对微量元素肥料的需求日渐迫切。With the increasing usage of NPK applied to the soil, the micronutrients are becoming an urgent demand.

在施用氮磷钾肥基础上配施硅肥、硼肥等有益元素和微量元素,探讨其对百合生长的影响。Effects of silicon, boron and other trace elements on the physiological properties of lily were studied.

智利、埃及、以色列、约旦、墨西哥、美国等在开采钾矿开发计划中,都列入了无氯钾肥的项目。In their projects of developing K mine, Chile, Eggpt, Israel, Jordan, USA, all include non chloride potash.

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非洲仍将是磷肥的主要出口国,其氮肥的出口量将增加,但是其钾肥将全部进口。Africa will remain a major phosphate exporter and increase nitrogen exports while importing all of its potash.

要信守这个承诺,在一定程度上要靠钾肥,这是中国唯一一种严重短缺的化肥。Maintaining that promise depends in part on potash, the only fertiliser in which China is seriously deficient.

必和必拓市价远期收益率的9.77倍,而钾肥公司市价是27.2倍。BHP is trading at a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 9.77 times, while Potash Corp. is trading at 27.2 times.