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归并排序。Merge Sort.

按类型排序。Sort by type.

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我要如何对它排序?How do I sort this?

首先,它是排序。First, it is sorted.

按照日期为每叠票据排序。Sort each pile by date.

我该如何对它们排序?How do I sort these things?

插入排序还是冒泡排序?Insertion sort or bubble sort?

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你优先考虑的事情会重新排序。Your priorities are reordered.

恩,等一等,如果我想要排序一个列表。It could be two or three times.

接着对右半部分排序。Now, let me sort the right half.

重新排序已存在的消息集合Reordering existing message sets

单个生命线重新排序操作Single lifeline reorder operation

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按沉重早钝排序的风险浑单。Sorted by priority list of risks.

单击当前的排序图标。Click on the current sorting icon.

这是怎么样影响排序的?How does this affect the ordering?

好的,这是做这种排序的一种方法。OK. That's one way to do this sort.

是归并排序的处理过程。So here's what merge sort would do.

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它还执行选择、过滤和排序。It also selects, filters, and sorts.

它在套牌里排序最低。It has the lowest rank of the suits.

就是由于原子的排序。It has to be the atomic arrangement.