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问他是白费口舌。Asking him is wasting my breath.

不要同那家伙白费口舌。Don't waste words on that fellow.

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他做那种恳求是白费口舌的。In making that plea he will breathe in vain.

别白费口舌了,老板不会给你假的。Save your breath, the boss will never give you the day off.

他谁的话都不听,你只是白费口舌。He won't listen to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.

我已经下了决心,不要再白费口舌了。Ive already made up my mind. Theres no sense beating a dead horse.

他对谁都不加理会,你不过是白费口舌。He won’t pay attention to anybody, you’re just wasting your breath.

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我已经下了决心,不必再白费口舌了。I've already made up my mind. There's no sense flogging a dead horse.

试图和他们讲道理只是白费口舌。Trying to reason with them was like banging my head against a brick wall.

我不在这里跟你白费口舌了,我知道你根本不打算帮助我们。I'll not waste my breath on you. I can see you are not going to help us at all.

和一个如此不可理喻的人争论纯粹是白费口舌。It was mere waste of breath to argue with a person in so unreasonable a state of mind.

人们会说这是陈词滥调了,咱们别在这白费口舌了,咱们还得从头说起。It's a cliche--People say, let's not reinvent the wheel here, so let's go back to that.

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李奚跳起来,喊道,“听我说,我永远也不在村议会白费口舌了。Keesh jumped to his feet. "Hear me, " he cried. "Never shall I speak in the co until igloo again.

我不再白费口舌劝约翰了,因为他从不听劝。我决不再对牛弹琴了。I won't waste good advice on John any more because he never listens to it. I won't cast pearls before swine.

他们就这样说了几分钟的话,每个人心里都知道,他们那番话是白费口舌,根本的办法只有耐心等待。Thus they passed the minutes, each well knowing that this was only waste of breath, the one essential being simply to wait.

父亲命令儿子不要发脾气,要儿子行为举止像有教养的人,或要儿子成为优秀运动员,如果父亲自己不那样做或完全不具备那样的品质,那他就是在白费口舌。It is a waste of breath for the father to order his sons to keep their temper, to behave like gentlemen, or to be good sportsmen, if he does or is himself none of these things.