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应力放散及锁定。Discharge of stress and fastening.

物从钚放散出来。Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium.

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采取有效的气体净化方法以控制这些放散物是十分重要的。Control of these emissions by adequate gas cleaning processing is essential.

在工业生产过程中,存在着大量具有一定温度品质的热能被放散。In the industry production process, a lot of fine quality heat energy is wasted.

降雨量大的年份,孢子放散数量多,病害发生重。In the years with larger rainfall more spores were spread and resulted in heavier infection.

介绍了焦化厂粗苯放散气体回收系统开工调试的经验。This article introduced the commissioning experience of crude benzol-escaping air recovery system.

置换的关键技术是控制管道的压力、进气的流速以及放散点的设置。Its key-technology is controlling the pressure of pipeline, velocity of gas intake flow and the gas escape point.

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以大块煤为实验煤样,实验研究了大块煤瓦斯放散特性。Taking block coal as experimental coal sample, gas emission characteristics of block coal was tested and studied.

料箱用于解决钢托盘无法承放散件或散状物料弊端。Feed box can not be used to resolve steel trays bearing placed spare parts or the disadvantages of bulk materials.

并对同样实验条件下的煤粒瓦斯放散进行了对比研究。Under the same experimental conditions, contrast analysis of the characteristics of gas emission of coal particles was done.

结论携带RHD1227A等位基因的中国汉族D放散型个体红细胞膜可能表达基本完整D抗原。Conclusions The red blood cells may have grossly complete D antigen expression in the DEL individuals carrying RHD1227A alleles.

松手放散捧手花,满天纷飞正如蝶,飘香十里醉心头,如同深秋赏秋菊。Let go the bleeding holding hand to spend, the sky falling as butterfly, fragrance in ten drunk heart, like autumn tours chrysanthemum.

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介绍了焦炉荒煤气自动放散点火装置的工作原理、使用情况与改进措施。The paper introduces operating principle of automatic ignition device, its application and improving measures for waste gas of coke oven.

介绍了该气柜的设计参数、结构和运行原理,详述了瓦斯自动放散管的作用。The structure, design parameters and working principle were introduced, with the function of the gas auto-setting pipe introduced in detail.

我愿意把我从太阳那里受到的热放散出来,我愿意把自己烧得粉身碎骨给人间添加点点温暖。I would like to spread the heat which I have received from the sun, I would like to lose my life in order to give the human world some warmth.

目前国内钢铁企业普遍存在着氧气放散率较高的问题,造成大量的能源浪费。The problem of high oxygen blow-off rate universally exists around the domestic iron and steel enterprises, which causes enormous loss of energy.

本文结合实际,就钢铁联合企业优化利用煤气,减少放散,降低产品成本进行了探。This paper discussed reducing costs of product by optimum utilizing gas and reducing gas loss of incorporated business enterprise of iron and steel.

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建立了以降低氧气放散率为目的的高炉休风模型,并实际应用在宝山钢铁公司能源部能源管理系统中。A model of blast furnace blow down for oxygen releasing rate is established and used in energy resources management department of iron and steel works.

本文介绍了鞍钢股份鲅鱼圈钢铁分公司投产初期氧气使用和供应情况,提出了降低氧气放散率的对策。News briefing the oxygen applies and supply for Ba-Yu-Quan branch in start operating period and issue the strategy of decreasing the oxygen irradiation.

济钢第一炼铁厂高炉料钟、放散阀、火管是维系高炉生产的重要设备,其寿命成为制约高炉技术经济指标提高的瓶颈。The bell , valve and fire duct are important equipments to guarantee the production of blast furnace in the first iron mill of Jinan Iron and Steel Group Co.